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king of kings 神,上帝。

king of the castle

And that s why , when we look in the cradle and we see the king of kings , and we discover the christ child , that we discover three incredible things : that god is real , that god is in control , and that god loves every single one of us 當我們看著那搖籃,我們看見萬王之王。我們發現孩童基督,我們發現三件奇妙的事。神是真實的神掌管一切神愛我們每一個,若你今天首次發現這其中的一項。

For thus saith the lord god ; behold , i will bring upon tyrus nebuchadrezzar king of babylon , a king of kings , from the north , with horses , and with chariots , and with horsemen , and companies , and much people 結26 : 7主耶和華如此說、我必使諸王之王的巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒、率領馬匹車輛、馬兵軍隊、和許多人民、從北方來攻擊你推羅。

For this is what the lord has said : see , i will send up from the north nebuchadrezzar , king of babylon , king of kings , against tyre , with horses and war - carriages and with an army and great numbers of people 主耶和華如此說,我必使諸王之王的巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒率領馬匹車輛,馬兵,軍隊,和許多人民從北方來攻擊你推羅。

Then we will be able to assist and instruct the mortal people of the earth and show them the true “ worthiness ” of our lord who now reigns as king of kings and lord of lords 到那時,我們就能夠協助主教導地上那些還沒有得永生的人,向他們顯現什么是真正的,成為萬王之王,萬主之主的,我們的主“配得”的含義。

“ for this is what the sovereign lord says : from the north i am going to bring against tyre nebuchadnezzar king of babylon , king of kings , with horses and chariots , with horsemen and a great army 7主耶和華如此說,我必使諸王之王的巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒率領馬匹車輛,馬兵,軍隊,和許多人民從北方來攻擊你推羅。

They knew that the king of kings was someplace , and in faith they followed this heavenly thing until it came and it stood over where the christ child was . and there they went and they worshipped him 他們知道萬王之萬在某地方,他們憑信跟隨這天象,直到它在孩童基督所在的位置停下來,他們就進去敬拜? 。

These shall make war with the lamb , and the lamb shall overcome them : for he is lord of lords , and king of kings : and they that are with him are called , and chosen , and faithful 啟17 : 14他們與羔羊爭戰、羔羊必勝過他們、因為羔羊是萬主之主、萬王之王同著羔羊的、就是蒙召被選有忠心的、也必得勝。

Artaxerxes , king of kings , unto ezra the priest , a scribe of the law of the god of heaven , perfect peace , and at such a time “諸王之王亞達薛西賜諭旨給以斯拉祭司,精通天上神律法的經學家,愿你平安。

The king under the mountains is the king of kings among the dwarves , and it is he who sets policy and summons them to war “山底之王”是所有矮人國王中的王者,他有權利制定法律,召喚其他國王參戰。

Artaxerxes , king of kings , unto ezra the priest , a scribe of the law of the god of heaven , perfect peace , and at such a time 12諸王之王亞達薛西,達于祭司以斯拉通達天上神律法大德的文士,云云。

And when my work shall be done in this world , o king of kings , alone and speechless shall i stand before thee face to face 當我已做完了今生的工作,呵,萬王之王,我能夠獨自悄立在你的面前嗎?

Thou , o king , art a king of kings : for the god of heaven hath given thee a kingdom , power , and strength , and glory 37王阿,你是諸王之王。天上的神已將國度,權柄,能力,尊榮都賜給你。

Artaxerxes , king of kings , to ezra the priest , a teacher of the law of the god of heaven : greetings 12 [和合] “諸王之11王亞達薛西,達于祭司以斯拉通達天上神律法大德的12文士云云。

Artaxerxes , king of kings , to ezra the priest , a teacher of the law of the god of heaven : greetings 12諸王之王亞達薛西、達于祭司以斯拉通達天上神律法大德的文士云云。

Rev . 19 : 16 and he has on his garment and on his thigh a name written , king of kings and lord of lords 啟十九16在他衣服和大腿上,有名字寫著:萬王之王,萬主之主。

And on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written , “ king of kings , and lord of lords . 啟19 : 16在他衣服和大腿上、有名寫著說、萬王之王、萬主之主。

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written , king of kings , and lord of lords 16在他衣服和大腿上,有名寫著說,萬王之王,萬主之主。

And for this , thou who art the king of kings hast decked thyself in beauty to captivate my heart 因此,你這萬王之王曾把自己修飾了來贏取我的心。

On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written : king of kings and lord of lords 16在他衣服和大腿上,有名寫著說,萬王之王,萬主之主。