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king lear 1.《李爾王》〔莎士比亞悲劇名〕。2.該劇的主角李爾王〔...

king of bliss

He dressed jim up in king lear s outfit - it was a long curtain - calico gown , and a white horse - hair wig and whiskers ; and then he took his theater paint and painted jim s face and hands and ears and neck all over a dead , dull , solid blue , like a man that s been drownded nine days . blamed if he warn t the horriblest looking outrage i ever see 他把李爾王的服飾給杰姆打扮了起來那是一件印花布長袍,一套白馬尾做的假發和大胡子。他又取出了戲院里化裝用的顏料,在杰姆的臉上手上耳朵上頸子上,全都涂上了一層死氣沉沉的藍色,看上去仿佛一個人已經淹死了九天之久。

Jim lit out , and was a - coming for me with both arms spread , he was so full of joy ; but when i glimpsed him in the lightning my heart shot up in my mouth and i went overboard backwards ; for i forgot he was old king lear and a drownded a - rab all in one , and it most scared the livers and lights out of me 不過,電光一閃,我瞥見了他一眼,我的心啊,可一下子涌到喉嚨口。我倒退了幾步,一交跌到了水里。因為我一時間忘了他是李爾老王又身兼一位淹死了的阿拉伯人這樣兩位一體的角色,可把我嚇得靈魂出竅。

Fortunately , the beasts seemed more bent on stretching their paws and yawning , and flourishing their tails , than devouring me alive ; but they would suffer no resurrection , and i was forced to lie till their malignant master pleased to deliver me : then , hatless and trembling with wrath , i ordered the miscreants to let me out - on their peril to keep me one minute longer - with several incoherent threats of retaliation that , in their indefinite depth of virulency , smacked of king lear 但是它們也不容我再起來,我就不得不躺著等它們的惡毒的主人高興在什么時候來解救我。我帽子也丟了,氣得直抖。我命令這些土匪放我出去再多留我一分鐘,就要讓他們遭殃我說了好多不連貫的恐嚇的要報復的話,措詞之惡毒,頗有李爾王之風。

He came up with the notion of a book full of pages that could be electronically recon - figured to display the text of king lear or general relativity or any of hundreds of other tomes stored in silicon memory in the book ' s spine 1995年,當他還是美國史丹佛大學物理系的博士后研究員時,提出了一種書的構想書的每一頁都可以運用電子技術重新印制,以顯示《李爾王》 、 《廣義相對論》或其他巨著,數百套這樣的大部頭著作都儲存在書背的矽制記憶體中。

There can be no reconciliation , stephen said , if there has not been a sundering . said that . - if you want to know what are the events which cast their shadow over the hell of time of king lear , othello , hamlet , troilus and cressida , look to see when and how the shadow lifts “倘若你想知道,李爾王奧瑟羅哈姆萊特和特洛伊羅斯與克瑞西達的可怕時刻,究竟被哪些事件罩上了陰影,你就得先留意這個陰影是什么時候和怎樣消失的。

His plays , many of which were performed at the globe theater in london , include historical works , such as richard ii , comedies , including much ado about nothing and as you like it , and tragedies , such as hamlet , othello , and king lear 他的很多戲劇都在倫敦環球劇院表演過,包括歷史劇《理查德二世》 、喜劇《無事生非》和《皆大歡喜》 、悲劇《哈姆雷特》 、 《奧賽羅》和《李爾王》 。

After such widely acclaimed works as the kingdom of desire and king lear , the contemporary legend theatre is going to produce the world ' s first peking opera adaptation of shakespeare ' s tempest 繼叫好叫座的欲望城國、李爾在此等戲后,將以世界首創之戲曲版本挑戰世人公認最難改編的莎翁經典傳奇劇- - - -暴風雨。

Why is the underplot of king lear in which edmund figures lifted out of sidney s arcadia and spatchcocked on to a celtic legend older than history ? - that was will s way , john eglinton defended 李爾王中愛德蒙登場的插話取自錫德尼的阿卡迪亞,為什么要把它填補到比歷史還古老的凱爾特傳說中去呢? ”

To his comrade medical davy . . . stephen in his trinity of black wills , the villain shakebags , iago , richard crookback , edmund in king lear , two bear the wicked uncles names 他筆下的黑心腸的三位一體那幫惡棍扒手:伊阿古羅鍋兒理查和李爾王中的愛德蒙,其中兩個的名字都跟他們那壞蛋叔叔一樣。

Shakespeare ’ s greatest tragedies are : hamlet , othello , king lear , and macbeth . they have some characteristics in common . each portrays some noble hero 莎士比亞的四大悲劇是: 《哈姆雷特》 《奧賽羅》 《李爾王》 《麥克白》

I mean , we have the plays . i mean when we read the poetry of king lear what is it to us how the poet lived 也就是說,當我們讀李爾王的詩篇時,該詩作者究竟是怎樣生活過來的,干我們什么事

The daughter reveals herself and all ends happily ( except in “ king lear , “ where pretty much everybody dies ) 此時女兒亮明了身份而故事也就在團圓中結束。 (只是在《李爾王》還死了不少人。 )

And don ' t make king lear ' s mistake by handing over the cash first 越有錢的家庭,往往也是越小的家庭,就越難以確保適宜的總量用于競爭。

We have king lear : and it is immortal . mr best s face appealed to , agreed 我們有李爾王,而那是不朽的。 ”

Daly was producing “ king lear . 戴利在上演李爾王。

King lear - a tragedy full of paradoxes 一部充滿悖論的悲劇

He portrayed king lear in the play 他在這戲里扮演李爾王。

Re interpretation of the significance of king lear ' s madness 對李爾王發瘋意義的重新解讀

His performance as king lear was to be his swan-song before retiring . 他扮演李爾王是他退休前的絕唱。