
king n.1.王,國王,君主 (opp. subject); ...

king cobra

“herald, read the accusation!“ said the king . “傳令官,宣讀起訴書!”國王說。

The question of clemency would rest with the king . 寬大處理問題,將由國王決定。

The young king was uneasy on the throne . 這位年輕的國王對身居王位感到很不自在。

Much lamentation followed the death of the old king . 老國王晏駕,人們悲慟不已。

The state expropriated the king . 國家沒收了國王的財產。

My house has lent money to kings . 我們家族曾借錢給帝王。

Earls , princes , and kings belong to the nobility . 伯爵、親王和國王屬于貴族。

Like the king he had a rich physical gift . 同國王一樣,他生就一副健壯的體魄。

The count and his men arrayed themselves against the king . 伯爵舉兵對抗國王。

Can you tell me the way to king street please ? 請問,你能告訴我去金街的路嗎?

Naturally i rooted for the king . 我自然是站在國王一邊的。

The king also administered justice . 國王同時也行使審判權。

The king was deposed by the revolution . 國王被革命廢黜了。

The shadows again settled upon the face of the king . 國王的臉色又陰沉下來。

The first scene of the play is the king 's palace . 劇中的第一個場景是王宮。

The law was appointed by the king . 這項法律是由國王規定的。

The king is here and in danger . 國王在這兒呢。已經遭逢不測。

For the king there was a royal box . 為國王特設了講究的看臺。

In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king . 瞎子堆里,獨眼稱王。