
kind adj.1.厚道的,仁慈的,仁愛的;和藹的。2.親切的。...


My group despises violence of any kind . 我的組織鄙視任何形式的暴力行動。

Bolts of all kinds became the rage at the market ... 各種腰帶成了搶手貨。

I have no importance of any kind . 我自個兒確實沒什么了不起的。

This kind of watch is very popular with ladies . 這種手表在女士中很流行。

Some kinds of food makes one thirsty . 有些種類的食物使人口渴。

The taxes of all kinds came up to a huge sum ... 各種稅加起來是一筆巨款。

Nothing but has qualification of some kind . 無限定條件的事物是不存在的。

He went on reading in a kind of stupor . 他懷著一種麻痹的神情繼續讀下去。

This is the kind of fortitude we must have . 就是要有這股狠勁。

The current account includes five kinds of items . 經常項目包括五項內容。

This kind of books is sold by all booksellers . 所有的書商都出售這種書。

This was just the kind of life he liked . 這正是他所喜歡的那種生活方式。

What kind of “reminder“ had tom in mind ? 湯姆想要的“紀念品”是什么呢?

We called in all kinds of experts . 我們向各種各樣的專家們請教。

Would you be kind enough to take a message to him ? 拜托您捎個信兒給他。

There are four basic kinds of indorsements . 背書有四個基本種類。

Fate was kind to the helpless baby . 這個無依無靠的嬰兒命里注定不該死。

She was kind enough to stand us a meal . 她慷慨地請我們吃了頓飯。

This kind of watermelon is remarkable for its size . 這種西瓜個頭兒大。