
kilo n.通訊中用以代表字母 k 的詞。

kilo bomb

25 kilos of nuridium as promised 承諾的25公斤鈕化物

He ' s lost a lot of weight : he ' s three kilos lighter than he used to be 他體重減了很多,比以前輕了三公斤

There is 800 kilos in that plane . . 那飛機里有800公斤

Today , i only deal in kilos 今天,我只做公斤以上的生意

Citizen : it ' s at luling road , about two kilo - meters from here 市民:玉華苑在鹿嶺路,離這兒大約兩公里。

There is an overage in weight of 25 kilos 重量多了25公斤

They weigh five kilos . so i ' ll be just under the weight limit 它們重5公斤。所以我正好在重量限額之內。

The baggage is two kilos overweight 那件行李超重兩公斤。

Russian kilo class attack submarine 俄羅斯基洛級攻擊型潛艇

This sack of potatoes is five kilos light 這袋土豆少五公斤

This parcel is overweight by two kilos 這個包裹過重兩公斤。

10 rupees for a quarter kilo . - you think we ' re industrialists 10盧比半斤-你覺得我們像富商嗎?

An office worker often uses 90 kilos of paper each year 一個辦公室職員通常一年會浪費約90公斤紙。

Her weight has increased to 70 kilos 她的體重增加到了70公斤

A 1 - kilo weight held extended puts a lot of stress on joints 1公斤重量使延長投入很多重音在聯接。

I weighed out half a kilo of flour and added it to the mixture 我秤了半公斤面粉,加到混合物中。

They weigh five kilos . so i ' ll be just under the weight 它們共5公斤重,我們正好在規定的限重內。

It ' s like i ' ve eaten 1 5 kilos of cement 好像我吃了15公斤水泥

25 more kilos . i ' ll have it for you 多加25公斤,我一定幫你搞定