
kickback 1.〔口語〕強烈的反應。2.〔俚語〕傭金[酬金、回扣等]...


For wholly owned subsidiaries that do not maintain separate books from parent companies , normal wage and salary expenses , business phone charges , lease expenses incurred should not be treated as kickback income from price transfers at , or at near final consumer retail prices from the parent companies , and should not be used to offset tax credits 與總機構實行統一核算的分支機構從總機構取得的日常工資、電話費、租金等資金,不應視為因購買貨物而取得的反利收入,不應做沖減進項稅額處理。

Party b shall take all necessary precautions to prevent all its employees and agencies from offering commissions , kickbacks , gift , marketable securities , disbursement voucher and costly presents ; and shall not arrange any banquets , gymnastic activities , entertainment and junketing which may affect the execution of business for party a ' s employees 乙方應嚴禁本公司及其代理機構的員工以任何形式、任何理由向甲方員工個人提供傭金、回扣、禮金、有價證券、支付憑證、貴重物品等;不得為甲方員工安排有可能影響公正執行公務的宴請、健身、娛樂、旅游等活動。

Secondly , compared with some other kinds of comparator structure and based on the preamplifier - latch fast - compare theory , a novel topology of cmos preamplifier latch comparator circuit is presented . considering trade - off between kickback noise and power dissipation , reference resistance value is optimized . according to the encode demands of different stage resolution , clock - control encode circuit is designed 其后,在具體的子adc設計中,對比各比較器類型的優缺點,并基于預放大鎖存快速比較理論,提出一種新型高速低功耗預放大鎖存比較器電路拓撲;根據adc系統所允許的參考電壓最大波動限制,在回饋噪聲對輸入參考電平的影響和功耗之間折衷,確定優化的參考電阻串阻值;根據不同級精度的編碼要求,設計出時鐘控制編碼電路。

Through identifying better and apperceiving earlier organizational politics behaviors , in order to reduce all sorts of kickbacks to nadir , in our research according to ferris organizational politics perception model , combining the practice of key disciplines of the university , based on integrated , scientific , objective , precise , measurable principle , we construct cause and effect model of knowledge - intensive organizational politics perception 為了更好的識別和盡早感知組織政治行為,將其給組織帶來的種種不良后果減少至最低,本研究參照ferris組織政治知覺模型,并結合我國大學重點學科的實際,依據完整性、科學性、客觀性、精確性、可測性原則,構建了知識密集性組織組織政治知覺前因及后果模型。

This paper expatiates the malpractice that exists through comparing with the other institutions of taking over land , such as broader bound , narrower scope for compensation , littler standard on compensation , nonlucency progress , incomplete safeguard by law and code and kickback for such above factors , then it analyzes the causes for them . and it draws a conclusion that it is unfit for changing economics system and social conditions greatly of the old institutions fallowed from planning economics 本文通過國內外征地制度的比較研究,闡述了我國征地制度存在的弊端,如征地范圍過寬,征地補償范圍窄、補償標準低,征地程序不透明,沒有健全土地征用法律法規作保障等,以及由這些弊端所帶來的不良后果,剖析了這些弊端產生的原因,主要是我國征地制度是計劃經濟時代的產物,與現在已發生巨變的宏觀經體制和社會條件不相適宜。

Party a prohibits any behavior by its employees that violate ethical business conduct and , prohibits any of its employees from requesting or accepting commissions , kickbacks , giftmoney , giftcoupons , marketable securities , disbursement voucher , costly presents or any other valuable goods and services from party b or any relevant companies or personnel , and prohibits from attending any banquets , gymnastic activities , entertainment , junketing or any other activities arranged by party b or relative companies which may affect the fair execution of business between party a and party b 甲方嚴禁本公司員工有任何違反職業道德的不廉潔商業行為,禁止本公司員工索要或接受乙方及其相關單位和人員提供給個人的傭金、回扣、禮金、有價證券、支付憑證、貴重物品等;不得參加乙方及其相關單位安排的可能影響公正執行公務的宴請及健身、娛樂、旅游等活動。

The court of appeal dismissed the appeals of three defendants against their convictions and sentences in relation to a price inflation and kickback scam involving 3 . 3 million over the sale of machines . the defendants were given jail terms ranging from 21 months to 30 months 三名被告在進行買賣機器交易中提高價格及收受回傭,涉及金額三百三十萬元,較早時被判罪名成立,被判入獄一年九個月至二年半不等。

Small - and - medium sized banks , especially , are those who developed defected strategies of market selection such as unclear market selection , severe same character and structure and being short of strategies layout , which results in serious kickback 尤其是中小商業銀行,市場定位戰略存在嚴重缺陷,如:市場定位不明晰、同質同構現象嚴重、缺乏戰略規劃,這一內容提要缺陷導致了嚴重的不良后果。

That ' s not good enough : at the very least , the u . s . should use any offer of money as a lever to enforce new and better practices - - such as a full investigation into the allegations of kickbacks that have dogged the court ' s administrative offices 還有不夠理想的地方:至少,美國應該用所有捐助的資金作為促進革新和改善司法程序的力量,比如全面追查傭金指控所涉及的法院管理高官。

Two company directors and a former manager were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 21 months to 30 months for a price inflation and kickback scam involving more than 3 . 3 million over the sale of pvc machines 兩名公司董事及一名前經理,于買賣制造塑膠原料機器時串謀夸大報價,并安排支付非法回傭,涉及款額逾三百三十萬元,分別被判監二十一個月至三十個月不等。

These lists are supposed to be based on merit , but some lenders appear to have secured a place on them by paying kickbacks in the form of shares , free travel , debt write - offs and phoney fees 這些名單本應根據公司業績而定,但是,看來某些公司通過支付回扣而獲得了名單上一席之地,回扣形式包括股票,免費旅游,免除債務以及虛報費用。

More than half of the 20 companies whose marketing practices are examined in the report have been implicated in controversies regarding free samples , kickbacks and gifts to medical professionals , it says 這份報告,對這20間公司當中,超過半數以上的公司進行市場經營檢查,發現有給予醫療專家免費試用品、回扣、禮物的爭議。

Three men convicted of accepting and offering illegal kickbacks totalling about 60 , 000 for placing transportation orders were ordered to serve immediate custodial sentences , ranging from two to four 三名男子,被廉署控以收受及提供約六萬元的非法回傭,以獲取運輸訂單,被判須履行社會服務。

Shao - lin hawk ' s claw says : straight fighting , like a person fight a wolf , fighting straightly , getting it ' s head , if wolf kickback , the person beats its vitals and cause it to die 《少林鷹派拳譜》云: “硬打硬進法,如人與狼搏,人直入,取狼首;狼反撲,人奮勇,取要害,以斃之” 。

Parents had “ blind faith “ in antibiotics and doctors , who often take kickbacks from drugs middlemen , were more than willing to prescribe them , the newspaper said 這家報紙說,家長們盲目相信抗菌素和醫生,而這些醫生往往從中間商那里拿回扣,而不愿給他們開處方

Yeah , that company executive got a kickback . well , enough about kickback . do you want to go to any of the panels this afternoon 你問我下午要不要去參加哪一個小組討論啊?嗯,去那個討論東方建筑特色的小組吧!盡管我很想到咖啡館里去休息休息。

Yeah , that company executive got a kickback . well , enough about kickback . do you want to go to any of the panels this afternoon 你問我下午要不要去參加哪一個小組討論?去那個討論東方建筑特色的小組吧!盡管我很想到咖啡館去休息休息。

M : yeah , that company executive got a kickback . well , enough about kickback . do you want to go to any of the panels this afternoon 你問我下午要不要去參加小組討論?去那個討論東方建筑特色的小組吧!盡管我很想到咖啡館去休息休息。

Yeah , that company executive got a kickback . well , enough about kickback . do you want to go to any of the panels this afternoon 你問我下午要不要去參加小組討論?去那個討論東方建筑特色的小組吧!盡管我很想到咖啡館去休息休息。