khrushchev Khrushchev , N.S. 赫魯曉夫〔1894-...
Khrushchev , N.S. 赫魯曉夫〔1894-1971,曾任前蘇聯部長會議主席(1958-1964)〕。 “nikita khrushchev“ 中文翻譯: 尼基塔・赫魯曉夫; 尼基塔謝爾蓋耶維奇赫魯曉夫; 尼基塔・謝爾蓋耶維奇・赫魯雪夫“premier khrushchev in the usa“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯曉夫在美國“khrushcheva“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯曉娃“khruschov“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯曉夫“khrushchevo“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯謝沃“khrupov“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯波夫“khrushchevs shoe and other“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯曉夫的鞋子“khrunov“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯諾夫“khrushchonovich“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯曉諾維奇“khrunin“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯寧“khrushchov“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯曉夫“khrunichev space center“ 中文翻譯: 赫魯尼切夫國家空間研究制造中心
khud |
Roundly analyzing mistakes during stalin ' s , khrushchev ' s , gorbachev ' s and brezhnev ' s time , analyzing the history reason of the disintegration of ussr , on the basis of these reason analyzing the deep layer reason of the disintegration of ussr ; in the second part , the effect of the disintegration of ussr to the trend of chinese characteristic socialism has been analyzed 縱觀斯大林、赫魯曉夫、勃列日涅夫和戈爾巴喬大執政時期的失誤,分析蘇聯解體的歷史原因,并在此基礎上,綜合分析蘇聯解體的深層原因。第二部分,蘇聯解體對有中國特色社會主義事業的影響和啟示。 |
Deeply rooted into several hundred years “ russian traditional culture and closely connected to thoughts and methods adopted by czars , lenin , stalin , khrushchev , brezhnev and even gorbachev , putin ' s new thought is distinguished from his previous generations by his own innovations 普京的“俄羅斯新思想”根植于俄羅斯幾百年的傳統文化,與歷代沙皇以及列寧、斯大林、赫魯曉夫和勃列日涅夫以及戈爾巴喬夫葉利欽人有著千絲萬縷的聯系。 |
If anyone believes that our smiles involve abandment of the teaching of marx , engels , and lenin he deceives himself poorly . those who wait for that must wait until a shrimp learns to whistle . - - - nikita khrushchev 誰要是以為我們的笑容預示著我們拋棄了馬克思、恩格斯、列寧,誰就是可憐的自欺者。翹首期盼我們那樣做的人除非等到蝦學會了吹口哨。很好玩,不是么? |
Seventh and finally : i call upon chairman khrushchev to halt and eliminate this clandestine , reckless , and provocative threat to world peace and to stable relations between our two nations 第七和最后一點:我呼吁赫魯曉夫主席暫停和消除這種對世界和平進行秘密,不顧后果和挑釁性的威脅,并穩定我們兩國的關系。 |
Putin is the fifth russian ( or soviet ) leader to be named person of the year : gorbachev , andropov , khrushchev and stalin , who was named twice 普京是第五位當選《時代》年度人物的俄羅斯(包括前蘇聯)領導人,其他幾位領導人包括:戈爾巴喬夫、安德羅波夫、赫魯曉夫以及曾兩次當選的斯大林。 |
In one of the book ' s more startling sections , the authors detail how american columnists repeated and exaggerated false claims about the extent of khrushchev ' s arsenal 在本書揭示了一段令人震驚的歷史,書中詳盡敘述了當時的美國專欄作家是如何反復夸大甚至虛構赫魯曉夫的軍事實力。 |
Khrushchev ' s secret report to criticize stalin brought a great disturbance to the communist camp , which is one of the focal point of the sino - soviet dispute then after 摘要赫魯曉夫在蘇共二十大上的秘密報告在國際上引起了軒然大波,也是后來中蘇大論戰的一個焦點問題。 |
In 1960 , soviet premier nikita khrushchev disrupted a un general assembly session by pounding his desk with a shoe during a dispute 1960年10月12日,聯合國大會上,蘇聯領導人赫魯曉夫在爭論時脫下自己的鞋子猛敲桌子以示憤怒,會議因此而中斷 |
Nikita khrushchev : you won ' t give up the bridge . i don ' t care if you lost half your men . lose the other half . lose yourself 赫魯曉夫:你不能失守大橋。我不關心這樣是否會損失你一半的人。把另一半人的命也豁出去。你也要英勇獻陣。 |
Snake : demand ? you mean it wasn ' t just a request ? what ' s it to us if the khrushchev regime is threatened by the colonel and his faction 要求?意思是這不是個請求?如果赫魯曉夫的政權受到上校和他的派系的威脅,我們會怎么樣? |
These were the meetings that engineered khrushchev ' s “ resignation “ on ground of “ advancing age and deteriorating health . 這些會議促使赫魯曉夫“辭職” ,其理由是他的“年紀越來越大,而且健康狀況惡化” 。 |
The supreme test lay in kennedy ' s capacity to deal not with fidel castro but with n . s . khrushchev 肯尼迪的能力所面臨的最大考驗,不在于能否同菲德爾?卡斯特羅較量,而在于能否同尼?謝?赫魯曉夫較量。 |
Volgin : he ' s seen my face . we can ' t let him live . if khrushchev finds out about this , we ' re finished . he must die 他看到了我的臉,我們不能留活口,赫魯曉夫要是發現這一切,我們就完了。他必須死。 |
Khrushchev : nothing . . . it means nothing . call it a modest gentleman ' s agreement to ensure our continued relationship 赫魯曉夫:沒,沒什么意思。這只是個君子協議而已,來確保兩國關系能繼續下去。 |
Khrushchev : yes . preferably with something . . . painful . prove to me that this is not merely another one of your tricks 赫魯曉夫:是的,最好是能忍痛割愛,來證明這不是你們的又一個陰謀詭計。 |
Zero : we ' re talking about a secret weapon so big that khrushchev was ready to pull out of cuba to get it back 赫魯曉夫寧愿放棄古巴也要奪回它,可見我們討論的這個秘密武器有多少重要了。 |
Khrushchev : then i will be unable to restrain the military . i will be ousted and they will seek their revenge 赫魯曉夫:那樣我就無法控制軍方了,我會被趕下臺,他們也會伺機報復。 |
Nikita khrushchev : vodka is a luxury we have . caviar is a luxury we have . time is not 赫魯曉夫:對于我們來說,伏特加是奢侈品,魚子醬也是奢侈品,只有時間不是。 |
The khrushchev - eisenhower exchange of visits and summitry does not mean all is well with the world 赫魯雪夫和艾森豪之相互訪問和高階層會議并不意味著世界太平。 |