
khmer n.1.高棉人。2.高棉語。

khmer rouge

As for vietnam , which for much of its history was a vassal of china , it was still smarting from a border war in 1979 launched ( with american blessing ) to “ teach vietnam a lesson ” for unseating the genocidal ( china - backed ) khmer rouge regime next door in cambodia 比如,歷史上一直是中國屬國的越南,一直對于1979年那場邊界戰爭耿耿于懷,而且中國政府給企圖顛覆柬埔寨紅色高棉的越南好好上了一課。

Using usd1 , 500 from the first small donations , they hired two computer scientists and with a couple of old donated computers , started creating a glossary of khmer computer terms as preliminary work before starting the translation 他們用第一筆小額捐款中的1 , 500美元雇請了兩個計算機科學家,加上一些捐助的舊計算機,開始建立庫美爾語的計算機術語詞典,作為翻譯工作開始前的預備工作。

These languages can only be selected using this installer as their character sets cannot be presented in a non - graphical environment . the new languages are : bengali , dzongkha , gujarati , hindi , georgian , khmer , malayalam , nepali , punjabi , tamil and thai 這些新增語系包含了:孟加拉語宗卡語古吉拉特語印地語喬治亞語高棉語馬拉雅蘭語尼泊爾語旁遮普語坦米爾語及泰語。

A shack on the main road , the anlong veng tourism office , lists the sites : faded photographs of weed - filled plots labeled as the former homes and swimming holes of khmer rouge leaders 安隆汶游客中心雖然只是大馬路上的一個草棚,但卻詳細列出各個重要地點,陳列已經褪色的相片,照出好些雜草蔓生的荒地,下面的標示說明這是各個赤柬領袖過去的住所或是他們游泳的地點。

In cambodia ' s case , western diplomats suspect that chinese pressure is a factor behind delays in a united nations - backed tribunal that is meant to be trying elderly former khmer rouge leaders on charges of genocide 在對柬的援助問題上,西方外交官懷疑中方所施加的影響也是聯合國推遲對前紅色高棉領袖大屠殺審判的一個因素。

This paper focuses on the analysis of the morphological forms of personal pronouns in some mon - khmer languages . the main forms are flexion in the grammatical categories of person , number and gender 本文對現代孟高棉諸語人稱代詞的形式進行分析,指出了其形態變化的語法手段主要是語音屈折,有人稱、數、性等語法范疇。

Angkor ' s total construction area is about 24 km in length , 8 km in width , which was built in khmer angkor dynasty ' s heyday as the enduring legacy of religious architecture 吳哥窟總建筑群占地24公里長,寬8公里,是高棉吳哥王朝全盛時期所遺留下來的不朽宗教建筑;全城雕刻之精美有雕刻出來的王城美譽。

Known as “ brother number two , “ he was the deputy of the late khmer rouge leader pol pot and the group ' s chief political ideologue during its reign from 1975 to 1979 在1975到1979年紅色高棉執政期間,農謝擔任已故前紅色高棉領導人波爾布特的副手,是紅色高棉政權政治思想的最高主管,以“二號大哥”著稱。

Khmer script follows complex rules of layout in which consonants may take two different forms ( e . g . , the small form is placed on a lower line if it immediately follows another consonant ) 庫美爾文字的排列規則比較復雜,輔音可以有兩種形式(例如,當輔音緊跟另一個輔音時,采用小寫形式寫在較低處) 。

Supporting international localization initiatives , where languages that share significant similarities ( i . e . , thai , lao and khmer ) share programming and technical resources , is very cost effective 支持非常相似的語言(如泰國語,老撾語和庫美爾語)分享代碼和技術資源的國際合作本地化是非常有效的。

As in the lao localization project , an english / khmer technical dictionary is not available , and the lack of it severely hampers the efforts to translate software into the local language 像老撾的本地化計劃一樣,由于缺乏英語庫美爾語技術詞典,將軟件翻譯成本地語言的工作受到了嚴重的阻礙。

It is the repository of the country s historical wealth . its exhibits include a great variety of buddhist statues , stone carvings of mythical animals and traditional khmer arts and crafts :位于皇宮右側,館內收藏著國家級的歷史文物,當中有各式佛像神獸等石雕,以及各類民族傳統手工藝品。

Pitt and jolie arrived unannounced in vietnam after an earlier surprise visit this week to cambodia where on wednesday they toured a former khmer rouge death camp 本周早些時候,皮特和茱麗突然出現在柬埔寨,并于周三參觀了原“紅色高棉”集中營。之后兩人又“悄悄”來到越南。

China and vietnam fought a brief but bloody border war in 1979 after vietnam angered beijing by invading cambodia and dislodging china ' s khmer rouge allies 中越之間曾于1979年發生過一場短暫而血腥的邊境戰爭,此前越南因入侵柬埔寨、推翻中國支持的紅色高棉政府而激怒了北京。

A portrait of king norodom sihamoni , decorated in traditional khmer style , is seen at the downtown area of phnom penh , cambodia , may 14 , 2007 , to celebrate his 54th birthday 5月14日,在柬埔寨首都金邊市中心地帶,市政部門樹起國王西哈莫尼的畫像,為他慶賀生日。

Witnesses say cambodian police took nuon chea into custody wednesday in his hometown of pailin - the former khmer rouge stronghold in cambodia ' s northwest 目擊者說,柬埔寨警方星期三在柬埔寨西北部農謝的家鄉拜林將他拘捕,拜林是前紅色高棉在西北部的據點。

The lack of computers in the khmer language increases the digital divide . only people who speak english have access to jobs that require the use of computers 缺乏使用庫美爾語的計算機增大了數字鴻溝。只有會說英語的人才能獲得需要使用計算機的工作機會。

Cambodian civil war : khmer rouge rebels intensify assaults on cambodian government positions , forcing their retreat from kompong thmar and nearby ba ray 1971年柬埔寨內戰:紅色高棉反動武裝集中火力對政府所在地發動襲擊,迫使政府從巴瑞附近的庫龐撤退。

Cambodia , 1968 , two saffron - robed buddhist monks are framed by a window at the central temple of angkor thom , built by the ancient khmer people 柬埔寨, 1968年,威爾布?加瑞特,在古國吉蔑所建造的吳哥窟, 2位身披袈裟的僧侶正蹲在中庭大殿的窗口中。