
khi n.=chi 〔希臘語字母表第22字母〕。


By studying the case of nantong cosco khi ship engineering co , ltd . , through demonstrative research , this article concrete and capitalize the nonfigurative advantages of international investment , after analyzing characteristic of different advantages and the function of rights distribution of corporate governance , bring forward a hypothesis of assets for governance avail . in this foundation the principles for rights of governance corresponding to capital become more perfect in corporate governance 本文以南通中遠川崎船舶公司為案例,運用實證研究的方法,將跨國投資者抽象的投資優勢具體化和資本化;就各種優勢的特性及其對治理控制權分配的作用進行了剖析,提出了非股權安排條件下的治理效用資產假說;對公司治理中資本與治理權的對應關系從更深層次進行了完善,闡明了與控制權相對應的資本如果不包括投資人提供的治理效用資產,就不能構成完整意義上的資本。

Based on the compensation management theories and the practical situation of nantong cosco khi ship engineering co . , ltd . ( nacks ) , a new compensation management system is designed for nacks to a attract , maintain and motivate talents . the purpose of compensation management system redesign is to solve the problems that hindered the development of nacks and to speed up the establishment of the chinese and japanese joint capital enterprise . this thesis consists of seven parts 本文以現代薪酬管理理論為指導,結合南通中遠川崎船舶工程有限公司(簡稱nacks )的實際情況,從人才吸引、維系、激勵的角度出發,對nacks公司薪酬體系進行了現狀分析和薪酬管理體系設計,目的在于通過薪酬體系的重建,解決當前存在的困擾公司發展的一些問題,從而加快中日合資企業現代企業制度建立和完善的步伐,促進公司的發展。

The emergence of the “ cooperative security “ and its practice in the asia - pacific area create a fine regional environment for china to test “ new security theory “ and its “ initiative - cooperation “ security strategy . at the same time , china ' s “ new security theory “ and its “ initiative - cooperation “ security strategy will embody the principles of “ cooperative security “ : “ cooperative security “ is the core of the “ new security theory “ ; as a security pattern , “ cooperative security “ is an attractive pattern for china to practise its “ new security theory “ . this pushes china to involve all kinds of “ cooperative security “ organizations actively so that china can realize its security strategic goals of the asia - pacific area as early as possible “合作安全”理念在亞太的興起及以此理念為指導的合作安全模式在亞太的蓬勃開展為中國實踐“新安全觀”和選擇“自主合作”式安全戰略營造了良khi碩士學住論文wmaster ’ sthesis好的地區環境背景;同時, “合作安全”也將內化為中國“新安全觀”和“自主合作”式安全戰略的一部分: “合作安全”是“新安全觀”的題中應有之義,是“新安全觀”的核心內容, “合作安全”作為一種安全模式,也是實施“新安全觀”的有效方式;在“新安全觀”的指導下,冷戰后的中國應該走“自主合作”式安全戰略之路,這就要求中國積極參與各種地區性合作安全組織并促進合作安全模式的發展,這樣有利于中國營造一個最優化的國際安全環境以保證本國在亞太的安全戰略目標順利實現。

Gea ( wuhu ) khi machinery cooling co . , ltd is a sino - foreign jv in which the german gea group holds a majority of 95 % and kawasaki heavy industries of japan holds 5 % 基伊埃(蕪湖)川崎機械制冷設備有限公司是由德國gea集團擁有95 %股份,日本川崎重工業株式會社擁有5 %股份的中外合資企業。

Khi holdings group 廣興置業集團