
khanate n.可汗的領土,汗國。


A nestorian christian porcelain plaque included in the exhibition , dating to the mongolian khanate period , is the only nestorian plaque made of porcelain known . a gold cross - shaped ornament is also showed in the exhibition 元代1271 - 1368 ,景教再度興起,展品中包括一塊蒙古汗國時期的瓷碑,是至今出土唯一以瓷制的景教碑,及遼代的金十字架。

A study on the declining time of yarkand khanate 葉爾羌汗國滅亡時間補證

Envoys from temur khanate in central asia to china 中亞帖木兒王朝的來華使臣