
keyhole n. 鎖眼;栓孔;鑰匙孔(listen at [spy ...


How could the killer , without keys , kill the people , close the door from inside ( or insert the key into the keyhole ) and manage to run way 兇手在沒有鑰匙的情況下,怎能在殺人之后,把門反鎖,又把門匙插在室內鎖孔中,再偷偷跑出室外?

If it is to continue on its way to pluto as planned , the spacecraft must pass through a “ keyhole ” in space , only 300 kilometers ( 190 miles ) square in size 如果繼續按原計劃飛行,飛船必將穿越一個太空中僅有300千米見方的“鎖眼” 。

While offering a voyeuristic keyhole to peer into the most repulsive and morbid details of death , it contemplates the philosphical significance of life and destiny 三個傷感人物極力從死亡的層巒疊?中窺探影影綽綽的生命之光。

They descended the stair , toad shouting abuse at them through the keyhole ; and the three friends then met in conference on the situation 他們下樓來。蟾蜍對著鎖眼高聲叫罵了一通。然后,三個朋友開碰頭會,商議對策。

Products wanted : very small cylindrical locks used to block door keyholes for unwanted access . they are called “ keyhole blockers “ 需要貨品:非常細小的圓柱形鎖/栓,用作堵塞門的鑰匙孔,防止他人進入房里。

One advantage of this model is that it also has a small light . you press the button and this means you can find keyholes easily 這個物件的優點是它也有微量的光。你按按鈕意味著你可以容易地找到要是環。

Most of the action now is going on behind the scenes . listen at keyholes - - without , of course , drawing attention to yourself 所有的行動都轉向臺面下。當然,透過鑰匙孔偷聽時不要引人注意。

None of your keyholes for me , sonny , he said ; and i left them together and retired into the bar “甭想從你的鑰匙孔里探聽我些什么,小家伙。 ”他說。于是我撇下他們倆,退回到酒吧間里去。

It is much akin to the sensation of looking through a strange keyhole , only to see another eye looking back 這與從一個奇怪的鎖孔中窺視,卻看到另一只眼睛正在鎖孔那頭看你的感覺十分相像。

This was a demoniac laugh - low , suppressed , and deep - uttered , as it seemed , at the very keyhole of my chamber door 這是一陣魔鬼的笑聲- -低沉,壓抑- -似乎就從我房門的鑰匙孔那兒發出來的。

This was a demoniac laugh - low , suppressed , and deep - uttered , as it seemed , at the very keyhole of my chamber door 那是一陣惡魔般的笑聲壓抑而低沉仿佛就在我房門的鎖孔外響起來的。

Super - early minimal invasive evacuation of hematoma via keyhole for treating hypertensive basal ganglionic hemorrhage 超早期鎖孔微創血腫清除術治療高血壓基底節出血的臨床觀察

Peeping tom through the keyhole . decoy duck . hotblooded young student fooling round her fat arms ironing 血氣方剛的年輕大學生撫摩著正在熨衣服的她那豐腴的胳膊,同她起膩。

The top of the keyhole nebula , the most prominent feature embedded inside carina , is on the left 深植在船底座星云內部最顯著的特征“鎖眼”星云的頂端位于圖像左側。

I looked through augustine ' s keyhole , and i saw her standing at the mirror with something shiny 我從奧古斯汀的鑰匙洞上看見她正站在鏡子前面,有個金光閃閃的東西。

The top of the keyhole nebula , the most prominent feature embedded inside carina , is on the left 深植于船底座中最顯著的結構“鎖眼”星云的頂部處在左邊。

I immediately opened my eyes and stood up . i put the key into the keyhole , and turned it 我立刻睜眼站起來,拿出鑰匙去開門,果然一下就打開了。

Microsurgical anatomy of cerebellopontine angle via keyhole approach of posterior mastoid plate 乳突后平臺鎖孔入路至腦橋小腦角的顯微外科解剖

Grant it but a chink or a keyhole , and it shot in like a white - hot arrow 哪怕只露出一條小縫或者一個鑰匙孔,它就會像一支白熱的箭直射進來。