keratectomy n.(pl. -mies) 【醫學】角膜切除術。
n. (pl. -mies) 【醫學】角膜切除術。 “autolaminate keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 自動板層角膜切除術“donor keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 供者角膜切除術“keratectomy for pterygium“ 中文翻譯: 角膜切除術用于翼狀胬肉“lamina keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 板層角膜切除術“photorefractive keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 屈光性角膜切除術“phototherapeutic keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 光性治療性角膜切除術; 激光治療角膜切除術“superficial keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 角膜表層切除術“eximer laser photorefractive keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術“intrastroma photorefractive keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 基質內光性屈光性角膜切除術,實質內光性屈光性角膜切除術; 實質內光性屈光性角膜切除術“intrastromal photorefractive keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 基質內光折射角膜切除術“photorefractive keratectomy prk“ 中文翻譯: 光性屈光性角膜切削術“phototherapeutic keratectomy, ptk“ 中文翻譯: 光性治療性角膜切除術“prk photorefractive keratectomy“ 中文翻譯: 屈光性角膜切削術“keratectasia“ 中文翻譯: 角膜擴張; 角膜突出“keratein“ 中文翻譯: 還原角蛋白“keratea“ 中文翻譯: 凱拉泰阿“kerateine“ 中文翻譯: 還原角蛋白“keratan sulfate“ 中文翻譯: 硫酸角質素“keratella“ 中文翻譯: 龜甲輪蟲屬“keratan“ 中文翻譯: 角質素“keratella cochlearis“ 中文翻譯: 螺形龜甲輪蟲“keratalgia“ 中文翻譯: 角膜痛
keratin |
Using the new excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy ( prk ) , the molecular bond of the corneal stroma is broken to allow recofiguration of the cornealsurface . this photo - ablation effect can treat severe myopia , astigmatism , and a variety of corneal diseases using photo - therapeutic keratectomy ( ptk ) . the safety , predictability , and long - term stability are well established in major western medical facilities 準分子激光技術在國內、外安全使用十一年,并得到眾多醫學權威機構的認定,具有安全性及精確度高、可預測性強、長期穩定性好的特點,我院已為幾百名近視患者實施了這種手術, 90的患者術后視力達到1 . 0以上。 |
There are many options for the correction of refractive errors today and these include the use of the excimer laser platform - like photorefractive keratectomy ( prk ) , laser in situ keratomileusis ( lasik ) , laser subepithelial keratomileusis ( lasek ) , and epilasik ; and those that require the placement of an intraocular lens inside the eye . each procedure , however , has pros and cons and the best procedure for a patient is ideally decided after a detailed examination of the eye by the surgeon 時至今日,用以矯正屈光不正的方法有很多種,包括:準分子激光技術例如激光屈光角膜切除術( photorefractivekeratectomy - prk ) 、角膜激光矯視手術( laserinsitukeratomileusis - lasik ) 、角膜上皮切割激光矯視手術( lasersubepithelialkeratomileusis - lasek ) 、 epilasik及人工晶體植入等等。每種手術皆有其利弊,病人宜先接受詳細眼科檢查,再由醫生建議合適的手術。 |
Conjunctival transplantation after keratectomy has been very successful in unilateral chemical and thermal injury . 8 months follow - up of 11 unilateral burn patients treated by conjunctival transplantation shows : 11 are stabilized of the ocular surface , 9 improved vision , 2 healed epithelial defect , 2 released symblepharon 摘要經化學或熱灼傷之病人其眼部表面受到傷害,常會有角膜表皮愈合不良,纖維血管增生而致表面不規則,角膜混濁等并發癥。 |
Methods : we examined 102 patients who underwent photorefractive keratectomy and received topical steroids ( either fluorometholone 0 . 1 % or prednisolone acetate 0 . 5 % alone or combined ) as part of postoperative therapy 方法:我們檢查了103名已行屈光性角膜切除術并以局部類固醇( 0 . 1丙酮縮氟氫羥龍或0 . 5潑尼松龍或二者兼有)作為部分術后治療的病人。 |
1 pallikaris ig , siganos ds . excimer in situ keratomileusis and photorefractive keratectomy for correction of high myopia . j refract corneal surg 1994 ; 10 : 498 510 2陳家祺,王錚,楊斌.自動板層角膜成形聯合準分子激光角膜切削術治療高度近視.中華眼科雜志1996 ; 32 : 4 6 |
Ehler n , hjortdal jo . excimer laser refractive keratectomy for high myopia : 6 - month follow - up of patients treated bilaterally j . acta ophthalmol 1992 ; 70 578 - 586 沈政偉,馬群,黃震唏,等.多光區準分子激光角膜切削術治療高度近視眼j .眼科新進展1998 ; 18 196 - 198 |
Radial keratotomy ( rk ) and photorefractive keratectomy ( prk ) are other refractive surgeries used to reshape the cornea 其他用于角膜重新塑形的外科手術還有放射狀角膜切開術( rk )和光性折射角膜切削術( prk ) 。 |
Analysis on three - year follow - up results of excimer laser photor efractive keratectomy in treatment for myopia and myopic astigmatism 準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術治療近視一年療效分析 |
Corneal topographic and visual acuity analysis after excimer photorefractive keratectomy for myopia astigmatism 準分子激光角膜切削術治療近視散光的角膜地形圖及視力分析 |
The states of mental health of patients before photorefractive keratectomy and the related factors 準分子激光原位角膜磨鑲術治療屈光不正對患者心理狀況的影響 |
The results of using excimer laser photoastigmatism refractive keratectomy for a simple myopic astigmatism 準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術后眼壓測量值的變化 |
Haze following excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy and full - refraction prior to prk 準分子激光角膜切削術后角膜上皮下混濁與術前總屈光度的關系 |
Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy for lower to moderate myopia : 3 year follow - up 準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術對角膜內皮細胞的影響 |
Clinical analysis of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy for treatment of myopia 準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術治療近視的療效分析 |
Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy in the treatment of severe myopia 準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術治療近視和近視散光3年療效分析 |
The changes of corneal endothelia after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy 準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術治療高度近視探討 |
A immunohistochemical study of rabbit cornea after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy 術后角膜創面的免疫組織化學研究 |
Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy for myopia : one year follow - up 準分子激光角膜切削術治療低中度近視術后3年療效分析 |
The principle and implementing of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy 伴眼球震顫的近視準分子激光屈光手術的觀察 |