
kazan n.喀山〔韃靼首府〕。


In its development , a humanitarian cooperation agreement was concluded at the meeting of the cis council of heads of state held in kazan on august 26 , 2005 ; it entered into force in 2006 . the agreement encompasses problems related to science , culture , education , information , tourism and sport as well as the principles and forms of collaboration for the long term 雙方表示決心恪守《條約》確定的方針和原則,繼續落實雙方達成的所有合作協議,不斷以新的內容充實兩國戰略協作伙伴關系,探索推動兩國關系不斷向前邁進的新途徑,努力使俄中關系永遠保持旺盛的生機與活力。

As he came near the foresters hut , denisov stopped , looking into the wood before him . a man in a short jacket , bast shoes , and a kazan hat , with a gun across his shoulder , and an axe in his belt , was striding lightly through the forest with long legs and long arms swinging at his side 在臨近守林人小屋的時候,杰尼索夫停了下來,向林子里注視著,林中有一個人身穿短上衣,腳穿樹皮鞋,頭戴喀山帽,肩上挎了一支槍,腰間別著一把斧,邁開兩條長腿,甩開兩只長胳膊,步履輕捷,大踏步走了過來。

Lansky submitted to the commander - in - chief that the chief supplies for the army were stored along the oka , in the tula and kazan provinces , and that if they retreated along the nizhni road , the army would be cut off from its supplies by the broad river oka , across which transport in the early winter was impossible 蘭斯科伊向總司令報告說,軍隊給養主要集中在奧卡河沿岸的圖拉和卡盧加省,如果向下城撤退,給養存放地就被寬闊的奧卡河隔斷,而初冬季節河運是不可能的。

The empress marya fyodorovna , anxious for the welfare of the benevolent and educational institutions under her patronage , had arrangements made for the removal of all the institutes to kazan , and all the belongings of these establishments were already packed 瑪麗亞費奧多羅夫娜皇后只關心她掌管的慈善教育機關的安全,作出將這些機關全部疏散到喀桑的部署。這些機關的物體都已包扎停當。

Not far from pierre walked a stout major , with a fat , sallow , irascible countenance . he was dressed in a kazan gown , girt with a linen band , and obviously enjoyed the general respect of his companion prisoners 離皮埃爾不遠處走著一個身體肥胖的少校,他身穿喀山長袍,腰間系一條毛巾,面色焦黃浮腫,怒容滿面,看起來,此人受到被俘的同伴們的普遍尊敬。

This set discountenanced the premature counsels of those who advised preparations for the removal to kazan of the court and the girls schools , that were under the protection of the empress mother 在這個圈子里,人們譴責那些建議盡早下令,讓皇太后保護的宮廷女子學堂準備向喀山疏散的人。

The movement of the russian people to the east , to kazan and siberia , is that expressed in the details of the morbid life of john iv . and his correspondence with kurbsky 俄國人民東進到喀山和西伯利亞,在伊凡四世病態的性格的細節中和他同庫爾布斯基的通信中有所反映嗎?

And who is this ? she kept saying , addressing her governess and gazing into the face of her own daughter disguised as a tatar of kazan 她仔細望著化裝成喀山韃靼人的她的女兒的面孔,一面把臉轉向家庭女教師,說道。

Take time to wander among kazan cathedral ' s semi circle of enormous brown columns 花些時間漫步于喀山大教堂里巨大的棕色圓柱所圍成的半圓形。

Viva zapata with kazan , so .卡贊的薩巴達萬歲,所以