
katanga n.加丹加〔扎伊爾沙巴地區 (Shaba)的舊名〕。


On the one hand , during the operation , it made best in helping congo restore the law and order and terminate the secession of katanga . on the other hand , ounc reached the above aim at a high cost of both lives and resources . and the un financial crisis accompanied with onuc caused philippic from the world 一方面,聯合國維和部隊在剛果行動期間,對于穩定剛果的混戰局面,結束加丹加的分裂狀態以及維護當時的法律和秩序方面取得了積極的效果;而另一方面,剛果局勢并沒有因為聯合國剛果行動而徹底穩定下來,此外,巨額的人力和物力消耗也引起了世人對這次行動的爭議。

But no measure has been taken so far , and figures on china ' s imports of the dr congo ' s cobalt ores for 2004 , gathered by the independent non - governmental organisation global witness , show that the average value of cobalt being exported each week from katanga is $ 1 . 7m 但迄今并未采取任何措施,并且根據獨立的非政府組織全球觀察收集的資料,中國2004年從剛果每周進口價值170萬美圓的鈷礦石。

During the four years , the onuc can be divided into withdrawal of belgium troops ; constitutional crisis ; the end of the secession of katanga and withdrawal of the un peacekeeping forces 按照時間的順序,聯合國在剛果的行動包括比利時軍隊的撤出,憲法危機,加丹加分裂狀態的結束以及維和部隊撤退這四個階段,持續了四年左右。

George forrest , a businessman who does industrialised mining in katanga , says that “ the development of china means that there is a need to produce an extra 20 , 000 tonnes of cobalt per year “ 同時,中國的鈷礦石消費穩定增長,因為它需要加工鈷礦石做電池供應給亞洲市場,年需求35000噸。

Hence , even if more mining giants start projects in katanga , there are no guarantees that the people of dr congo would benefit from their huge reserves of natural resources 因此,即便更多的礦業巨頭在加丹加開發項目,也無法保證剛果人民從巨大的自然資源中受益。

“ there is a massive fraud of minerals in katanga , through kasumbalesa , “ he says , promising to take some “ measures to re - organize the custom office “ 他說“在加丹加有大量的礦石欺詐行為” ,并承諾采取一些“措施以重組海關” 。

Katanga has been largely spared by dr congo ' s war , yet mining giants are only now considering starting large - scale mining there 加丹加很大程度上未受剛果戰爭的影響,但礦業巨頭們剛剛開始考慮在那里開展大規模采礦。

“ katanga can produce that only if proper investments are made . “如果有適當的投資,加丹加就可以滿足那個需要” 。

Mr . katanga , these are my friends 卡坦加先生,這些是我的朋友