
karyotype n.【生物學】染色體組型。-typic , -typic...


The karyotype of nelumbo nucifera during meiosis zygotene was established in this study , which would help the studies of meiosis and molecular cytogenetics in lotus 摘要本研究建立了中國蓮偶線期染色體的核型,為研究蓮的減數分裂過程及分子細胞遺傳學研究提供基礎。

A species can be characterized by its karyotype since the number , size , and shape of chromosomes vary greatly between species but are fairly constant within species 由于不同物種的染色體數目、大小和形狀有很大區別并且具有穩定性,因此核型可以為某一物種的特征。

Upon the optimization of metaphase chromosome preparation from scallop , analysis and comparison on chromosome number and karyotypes were made between the hybrids and their parents 首先,針對扇貝生物的染色體核型研究,對扇貝染色體制備的條件進行了優化。

The present paper summerized the data of rice karyotype given by different researchers , and some suggestions were also proposed on rice chromosome numbering system 本文對不同學者所作核型進行了分析,從而對現行的水稻染色體編號系統提出了新的看法。

The karyotype of takifugu obscurus was studied ; the result indicated that the chromosomal number was 44 , the karyotype formula was 2n = 10m + 6sm + 8st + 20t , nf = 60 對暗紋東方?的消化系統、尿殖系統、嗅覺器官、心臟、腦等組織器官進行了解剖學觀察。

The ldh isozymes and chromosome karyotype analysis demonstrated that the nuclear ? tranplanted embryos exhibited the characteristics of ? bufo raddei 對發育不同時期的胚胎,進行了乳酸脫氫酶同工酶譜及染色體組型分析,結果顯示其均與受體一致。

The karyotypes of 19 species and 1 subspecies in leymus hochst . were reported . the karyotype formulae were as follows : l . akmolinensis ( drobow ) tzvel . , 3 .對19個種和l個亞種的核型進行了研究,其核型公式如下:阿克摩林賴草乙

Exculding sixteen cases of femake karyotype , there were one hundred and eighty six cases included in the study 從1969年到1990年,在臺大醫院所收集到的臨床認為是尿道下裂之患者,總共有202位接收了染色體的分析檢查, 。

Methods karyotypes were analyzed by chromosome g - banding in 415 infertile patients with idiopathic azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia 方法運用染色體g顯帶方法,對415例原發無精癥或嚴重寡精癥患者的核型進行分析。

Karyotyping for adanced maternal age was performed by amniocentesis and demonstrated a normal male karyotype ( 46 xy with g - banding ) 對此高齡孕婦行羊膜穿刺染色體組型分型檢查,先是正常男性( 46xy , g帶顯帶技術) 。

However , the karyotypes of these hybrids were not uniform . many kinds of karyotypes were observed from our studies on hybrids 對55個雜種成貝的染色體分裂相的分析表明,雜種貝的染色體組擁有38條染色體。

The chromosome number of hybrids is 38 other than the expected value 35 . polymorphism in karyotypes of hybrids was also observed 然而,根據研究結果,雜種子貝的染色體數目并非預期的35條,而是38條。

Karyotypes of lilium sulphureum baker apud hook . f . among populations , within populations as well as within clones were studied firstly 首次對淡黃花百合居群間、居群內和無性系內核型進行研究。

Although many studies have been conducted on the karyotype of rice , controversies still exist among different researchers 盡管有許多學者報道了水稻核型的研究結果,但不同學者之間的分歧依然存在。

Methods peripheral blood lymphocytic culture and microscopy were adopted to detect the karyotype 方法采用細胞遺傳學方法對安徽地區201對有不良孕產史的夫婦進行外周血淋巴細胞檢查。

Karyotypes of two es lines were normal 40xy . es cells of diploid were more than 90 % 經過核型分析證實, 2株胚胎干細胞系均為xy型,染色體整二倍體的細胞所占的比例均超過了90 。

In this paper , the karyotype and banding pattern of amphioxus b . belcheri tsingtauense were reported for the first time 本文首次報道了青島文昌魚染色體的核型和帶型。

Studies on karyotypes among populations indicated that all the karyotypes belonged to stebbins ' 3b type 居群間核型研究表明:各居群的核型類型都屬于stebbins的3b型。

3 . cytology the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 65 population of this complex were investigated 3細胞學本研究對12個變種65個居群進行了細胞學研究。