
karoshi n.〔日語〕過勞死〔因工作長期過度勞累致死,亦作karo...


In the country that gave the world the word “ karoshi , “ or death from overwork , drowsy employees turning up late , taking days off or struggling to stay awake on the job are causing economic losses of some 30 billion a year , according to a survey “過勞死”一詞來源于日本,即工作過度引起的死亡。據調查,昏昏欲睡的員工上班遲到請假或工作時強打精神,給日本造成的經濟損失達到一年約300億美元。

If a death is judged karoshi , surviving family members may receive compensation of around $ 20 , 000 a year from the government and sometimes up to $ 1m from the company in damages 倘若鑒定為過勞死,幸存的家庭成員可以每年從政府領到約2萬美元的補償,有時還可以從公司拿到高達一百萬美元賠償。

Death from overwork , known as “ karoshi , “ has steadily increased since the ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987 . deeply agitated , as from emotional conflict 由于過度工作造成的死亡,即“過勞死” ,從1987年日本厚生省首次認定這一現象開始,一直在穩步增長。

Death from overwork , known as “ karoshi , “ has steadily increased since the health ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987 由于過度工作造成的死亡,即“過勞死” ,從1987年日本厚生省首次認定這一現象開始,一直在穩步增長。

Death from overwork , known as “ karoshi , “ has steadily increased since the health ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987 由于過度工作造成的死亡,即“過勞死” ,從1987年日本厚生省首次認定這一現象開始,一直在穩步增長。

Death from overwork grew so common during japan ' s post - world war ii economic miracle that a word was coined for it , “ karoshi . 因工作勞累過度而造成的死亡現象在日本“戰后”經濟騰飛期間日益普遍, “過勞死“一詞便由此而生。

Death from overwork grew so common during japan ' s post - world war ii economic miracle that a word was coined for it , “ karoshi . 由過度工作造成的死亡現象在日本“戰后”經濟騰飛期間日益普遍,由此產生了“過勞死“一詞。

Death from overwork grew so common during japan ' s post - world war ii economic miracle that a word was coined for it , “ karoshi . 由過度工作造成的死亡現象在日本“戰后”經濟騰飛期間日益普遍,由此產生了“過勞死“一詞。

Chronic fatigue and karoshi 慢性疲勞與過勞死

For deaths not designated karoshi the family gets next to nothing 而不被認為是過勞死的死者家屬幾乎什么也得不到。

Its corporate equivalent is karoshi , “ death by overwork ” 它的企業版則是過勞死,即“死于加班” 。

Its corporate equivalent is karoshi , “ death by overwork ” 此外就是過勞死,即“死于加班” 。