
karl n.卡爾〔男子名,Charles的異體〕。

karlovy vary

Karl marx had tried to harness the german will 卡爾?馬克思曾試圖駕御德意志民族的意志。

05 . 02 test method for water in crude oils karl fischer titration 原油滴定中水的試驗方法

Karl remains in the los angeles county jail 卡爾現被囚于洛杉磯縣監獄。

The nobel prize in physics 1932 : werner karl heisenberg 諾貝爾物理學獎-沃納卡爾海森伯格

This is my son , karl . he ' s been taken ill 這是我的兒子, karl .他生病了

Karl , bare your teeth . both sides Karl ,把你的牙齒露出來.兩邊都露出來

Much of the world today gives credit to karl benz 世上許多人如今將功勞歸于卡爾?本茲。

We should study foreign languages as karl marx did 我們應當像卡爾?馬克思那樣學外語。

So far , karl is the only one to be moved , however 但到目前為止,只有卡爾一個人去了。

How ' s the party , karl ? as dull as dish - water 聚會如何?跟洗鍋水一樣乏味。

Does karl hope to continue the relationship 卡爾希望繼續保持那種關系嗎?

Uh , sorry , this is sam , karl . karl , sam ? - hey 啊,這是薩米這是卡爾嘿

A review on of karl jaspers ' idea of the university 以浙江大學城市學院為例

Another kind of transcental philosophy on karl - otto apel ' s philosophy 阿佩爾哲學述要

1929 hans karl august simon von euler - chelpin sweden 1929年漢斯馮奧伊勒一歇爾平瑞典

The nobel peace prize : karl hjalmar branting 諾貝爾和平獎-卡爾亞爾馬布蘭廷

It was on that night karl met his destiny 就是那一晚卡爾遇到了他的摯愛

On karl popper ' s social technology outlook 試論卡爾183 ;波普爾的社會技術觀

The nobel prize in physics 1909 : karl ferdinand braun 諾貝爾物理學獎-卡爾弗迪南布朗