
kansas n.堪薩斯〔美國州名〕。


Leedy voutkos gallery , kansas city , usa 2003 gallery urd , bergen , norway 2003年挪威伯爾根烏爾德美術館

Oakland , kansas city or cleveland 奧克蘭,堪薩斯城或騎士

Aren ' t we missing somebody ? - where ' s the kansas state guy -是不是漏了誰? -堪薩斯州隊的那家伙呢?

Why , this is bigger than the whispering steeple in kansas city 因為什么這比堪薩斯城尖塔的流言要重大

- aren ' t we missing somebody ? - where ' s the kansas state guy -是不是漏了誰? -堪薩斯州隊的那家伙呢?

- you did ? where ? - kansas state -你打過?在哪兒? -堪薩斯州隊

That ' s news . - at kansas state 我是第一次聽說. -在肯薩斯州

You did ? where ? - kansas state 你打過?在哪兒? -堪薩斯州隊

- that ' s news . - at kansas state -我是第一次聽說. -在肯薩斯州

It was a record night for a rural kansas football team 關于堪薩斯州一支鄉村足球隊創紀錄的報道。

I shouldn ' t have come . - now i know we ' re not in kansas 我不該來的-現在我確信我們不在堪薩斯了

- i shouldn ' t have come . - now i know we ' re not in kansas -我不該來的-現在我確信我們不在堪薩斯了

Why wholly from kansas , to do that 為什么都是堪薩斯人這樣做?

It ' s against the law to catch fish with your bare hands in kansas 在堪薩斯州徒手抓魚是違法的。

( the wizard promises to take her back to kansas by balloon (魔法師答應用氣球把她帶回堪薩斯。

I have a certificate from the kansas city correspondence college 我有堪薩斯城通信學院的證明書

A kansas city watermelon through your ugly ass , bozo face 看撒司城的西瓜穿過你那丑陋的殿部

But we must endeavor to make sure kansas stays free 但我們必須努力確保堪薩斯州免于這場劫難

Lincoln house dinner theater , kansas city 林肯屋餐館劇院堪薩斯城