
kannada n.卡納達語〔印度邁索爾邦及其附近印度南部地區講的一種主...


Throughout the exhibition , the sisters who served as receptionists dressed in attractive saris traditional indian dresses , and the local hindi - speaking guests responded with sincere interest as many eagerly perused masters publications and were surprised that the fine free sample booklets we offered were available in sixty languages . several scholars asked about translating the sample booklet into other indian languages such as marathi , urdu , gujarati , malayalam and kannada 有幾位學者表示,很樂意幫我們把樣書翻譯成更多種印度方言,如馬拉地語marathi烏都語urdu古加拉提語gujarati馬來亞拉姆語malayalam及坎那達語kannada 。

An important and interesting sect , founded in the 12th century in the kannada - speaking area of the deccan , was that of the lingayats , or virasaivas ( “ heroes of the saiva religion “ ) 一個重要,并且有趣的派別于12世紀在德干說埃納德語的地區成立,是林伽派的信徒,或稱為“濕婆宗教的英雄” 。

He is also called vinayaka in marathi , malayalam and kannada , vinayagar and pillayar ( in tamil ) , and vinayakudu in telugu 他在馬拉地語、馬拉雅拉姆、埃納德語也被稱為頻那夜迦,在特魯古語頻那夜卡都。