kaleidoscopic adj.萬花筒(一樣)的,千變萬化的。adv.-ical...
adj. 萬花筒(一樣)的,千變萬化的。 adv. -ically “kaleidoscopic packaging“ 中文翻譯: 萬花鏡式的包裝“kaleidoscope prism“ 中文翻譯: 四面棱鏡; 四面體棱鏡“kaleidoscopical“ 中文翻譯: adj. 萬花筒(一樣)的,千變萬化的。 adv. -ically “kaleidoscope“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.萬花筒。 2.萬花筒般千變萬化的情景。 the kaleidoscope of life 變化莫測的人生。 “kaleidoscopickaleidoscopical“ 中文翻譯: 萬花筒的“kaleidophone“ 中文翻譯: n. 【物理學】發音體振動顯像儀。 “kaleidostar“ 中文翻譯: 百變之星; 卡萊多之星主題曲“kaleido star“ 中文翻譯: 百變之星; 卡萊多之星; 萬花筒之星“kaleidscope“ 中文翻譯: 萬花筒/“kaleici“ 中文翻譯: 卡利西區
kaleidoscopical |
But owing to the constant presence of air currents , arranging both the dust and vapour in strata of varying extent and density , and of high or low clouds which both absorb and reflect the light in varying degrees , we see produced all those wondrous combinations of tints and those gorgeous ever - changing colours which are a constant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of an uninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for those not infrequent exhibitions of nature ' s kaleidoscopic colour painting 不過,由于不斷出現氣流,把法埃與水汽分層排列,廣度不均,密度各異,加上高低空常有云層,不同程度地吸收并反射陽光,我們這才看到各種奇異的色調斑剝陸離,諸多絢麗的色彩變化萬千;任何人只要有幸將西方的景致一覽無余,只要有心觀看大自然不時展現的那一幅幅瞬息萬變的彩畫,都會為之贊不絕口,喜不自勝。 |
The classification of the textile printing materials and the 3 tendencies of the development of the materials for garments in china ( cut pieces ) are described : the bright and dazzling materials , the kaleidoscopic and iridescent ones , health - caring functional ones for practical uses 摘要敘述了紡織品印花材料的分類和我國服裝印花(衣片印花)材料開發的3個發展趨勢:鮮艷奪目亮麗型的印花材料、變幻莫測新奇型的印花材料和實用保健功能型的印花材料。 |
Intimate confessions of a chinese courtesan 1972 , knightly romance in the lucrative gu long adaptations - a truly kaleidoscopic oeuvre embracing virtually many genres . adding to the director s recollection of his days from kong ngee to shaws are reviews and his complete filmography 可憐天下父母心1960情寫實含淚的玫瑰1963文藝言情黑玫瑰1965鳳斗智玉女添丁1968瘋狂惹笑愛奴1972奇詭艷情,古系列更是又創佳績,一拍十九部。 |
In the several thousands of works completed hitherto , he is good at blending advanced technology into the kaleidoscopic designs to improve life quality and strives for creating special effect and atmosphere by using new materials 在至今完成的幾百個作品中,懂得在千變萬化的設計中融入先進的科學技術改善生活質素,并力求通過使用新穎材料營造特別的效果和氛圍。 |
The former is a novel depicting , from a feminist perspective , how career affects a person s fate ; the latter , a commentary explores the social issues of this kaleidoscopic society and how people response to those problems 《唱衰香港人》探討香港一些光怪陸離的社會問題及香港人面對問題時的奇特心態,與觀眾一同感受和分析香港的社會現狀。 |
Multimedia academic wonderland is the most comprehensive academic universe online especially dedicated to higher education , with myriads of kaleidoscopic and phantasmagoric scopes and specialties 多媒體樂學奇境是以高等教育為主,兼顧初、中等教育和職業教育的綜合大型學術論壇。 |
Turning , you find yourself in a dazzling marine metropolis , a kaleidoscopic realm of tiny life forms living below the surface in peaceful partnerships 但在另一方面,出現在你眼前是一片瑰麗的海底奇景,五花八門和大大小小的生物在海洋中和平共存。 |
Give us the right to be young . a kaleidoscopic painting we will bring in the youth 請給我們年輕的權利,讓我們盡情地把青春揮灑成斑斕多姿的畫圖 |
Different experiences , dissimilar inspirations ; accumulate to millions of kaleidoscopic lives 不同的經歷?相異的啟發?累積成為千變萬化的人生。 |
Different experiences , dissimilar inspirations , accumulate to millions of kaleidoscopic lives 而不同的色彩能幻化成不同的故事。 |
Its serial , kaleidoscopic exposures force us to follow its lead 它那系列的、多變的畫面引著我們跟著它走。 |
Its serial , kaleidoscopic exposures force us to follow its lead 它那系列的、多變的畫面迫使我們跟著它轉。 |