
jurisdiction n.1.裁判權;司法;司法權。2.管轄權;管轄范圍;權限...


On the system of civil and commercial jurisdiction of vietnam 越南民商事管轄權制度探析

A couple of issue of the jurisdiction about statutory crime 論罪刑法定司法化的幾個問題

Hong kong courts also have jurisdiction over the case 香港法院對此案也有司法管轄權。

Are also allowed . jurisdiction of your license 您的許可協議的司法管轄區域

The office , term , or jurisdiction of an abbot 修道院院長修道院院長的職務、任期或職權

On the limited military jurisdiction extension in wartime 論戰時軍事司法權的有限擴張

Area of jurisdiction under british consulate general chongqing 英國駐重慶總領事館:

This facility is now under our jurisdiction 現在這個機構在我們的管轄下。

Area of jurisdiction under british consulate general guangzhou 英國駐廣州總領事館:

That area is out of our jurisdiction ? 那個區域不在我們司法權管轄范圍內。

On the jurisdiction of international criminal court 論國際刑事法院之管轄權

Hold on , gentlemen , we ' re in my jurisdiction now , 等等,先生們現在在我的管轄范圍之內

The scope of civil law exclusive jurisdiction 試論國際民事專屬管轄權的范圍

Research on american network jurisdiction standards 美國網絡管轄權標準探析

Area of jurisdiction under british consulate general shanghai 英國駐上海總領事館:

Jurisdiction i know it ' s out of your jurisdiction 我知道那超出了你的權限。

What for ? it doesn ' t fall under our jurisdiction 為什么?那不在我們的管轄下

On the jurisdiction foundation of internet civil cases 論網絡民事案件的司法管轄基礎

On the dissent from the criminal procedure jurisdiction 論刑事訴訟管轄權異議