
juno n.1.【羅馬神話】(主神朱庇特的妻子)朱諾;天后;司婚...


Juno , as a peasant woman , caught jupiter and his little laundress cleverly and boxed his ears 扮成農婦的天后當場抓住朱庇特和洗衣女,打了他耳光。

And the wine contains rich citrus junos , bananas , pears , pineapple and thyme flavor 并且該酒蘊含濃郁的香橙、香蕉、梨、菠蘿和百里香味道。

Some people even think june was named for juno the roman goddess of marriage 甚至有人認為, “ 6月”這個名字源于羅馬婚姻女神朱諾的名字。

My name is juno 我叫朱諾

Juno is so cooi 朱諾真酷

Are you juno 你是朱諾嗎?

Juno begged it as a gift . what could the king of gods and men do 朱諾請求朱庇特把牛送給她做禮物,眾神和人類之王有什么辦法可想呢?

And juno cape you 神后也保佑你

Male artist mak , juno 男藝人麥浚

Way to go , juno 干得好啊,朱諾!

Of juno and jenny 現在正式開始!

Juno is the winner 勝利者是朱諾!

Millions of zerg users out there ! all eyes upon the player , juno 外面有數以百萬計的蟲族玩家!所有的眼睛都關注著朱諾選手!

Artist name : mak , juno 藝人名稱:麥浚

Violets were juno s eyelids , and windflowers were on ravished brides 紫羅蘭拿來比未諾的眼瞼,白頭翁拿來比未被奸污的新婦。

Juno , i ' m so touched 朱諾,我好感動

You can do it , juno 你能做到,朱諾!

Phyllis was silent : her eyes were sad anemones . juno , she cried , i am undone 菲莉斯一聲不響:她的兩眼像是悲哀的銀蓮花。

Having the stately bearing and imposing beauty of the goddess juno 華貴美麗,儀態萬方的如女神朱諾般舉止端莊,儀態萬方的