
junket n.1.凍奶食品;乳酥。2.宴會,歡聚;〔美國〕野餐。3...


The experiences of this item could be generalized in following aspects : rational zone layout safe and free communication lines , diversified composite space , double functions in the landscape and green system , three - dimensional and dynamic junketing system , peculiar regional atmosphere and sustainable strategy for development 總結了在武漢新區城市濱江空間設計的經驗體會,主要表現在一下幾個方面:合理的規劃布局、安全通暢的交通流線、豐實的建筑空間特徵、雙重功能的綠化系統、立體的動態旅游觀景系統、濃郁的地域文化氛圍、可持續的發展戰略。

Party b shall take all necessary precautions to prevent all its employees and agencies from offering commissions , kickbacks , gift , marketable securities , disbursement voucher and costly presents ; and shall not arrange any banquets , gymnastic activities , entertainment and junketing which may affect the execution of business for party a ' s employees 乙方應嚴禁本公司及其代理機構的員工以任何形式、任何理由向甲方員工個人提供傭金、回扣、禮金、有價證券、支付憑證、貴重物品等;不得為甲方員工安排有可能影響公正執行公務的宴請、健身、娛樂、旅游等活動。

Subsequently , the paper analyses the investment environment of investment institution in shannaxi , such as science technology , investment policy and investment market , and so on . the paper studies some industries which supporting shannaxi ' s ecnomics , and digs out the investment opportunity about investment institution in shannaxi . the investment institution should paly a emphasis on three characteristic industries : high technology , junketing , extractive industry with a view to shannaxi ' s region and resourse advantages and the investment foreground of industries , apply venture capital and industry invest fund engaging investment , then put forword to some advises in three investment fields 然后對投資機構在陜西的投資領域進行了全面分析,并根據各大投資領域的歷史發展數據,通過定量分析,明確投資機構在這些產業中的投資機會,根據分析結果,本論文重點選擇了陜西的高新技術產業、旅游產業和農業產業,并具體分析了這些產業中蘊含的投資機會,提出了相應的投資選擇方法,緊接著對投資領域的投資方式選擇進行了分析,并以高新技術產業和農業產業為例探討了投資方式的應用。

In virtue of professional service and rich experience in conference affair , the department of conference affair reception can provide “ one station ” service in conference layout and execution according to the different needs of customers , including arrangements for accommodation , traveling , entertainment and shopping , and a full service from subject originality , content planning , conference execution , junketing to broad cooperation and media support 公司下設會務接待部門是由多年企業的專業團隊組成,依拖專業的服務和豐富的會務經驗,在承辦各種會議方面具有獨到的專業優勢,基于客戶的不同需求,提供“一站式”會議企劃及執行服務,包括吃、住、行、娛、游、購的安排,包括從主題創意,內容策劃,會議執行,接待宴請,廣泛的合作關系,媒體支持等全套解決方案。

Party a prohibits any behavior by its employees that violate ethical business conduct and , prohibits any of its employees from requesting or accepting commissions , kickbacks , giftmoney , giftcoupons , marketable securities , disbursement voucher , costly presents or any other valuable goods and services from party b or any relevant companies or personnel , and prohibits from attending any banquets , gymnastic activities , entertainment , junketing or any other activities arranged by party b or relative companies which may affect the fair execution of business between party a and party b 甲方嚴禁本公司員工有任何違反職業道德的不廉潔商業行為,禁止本公司員工索要或接受乙方及其相關單位和人員提供給個人的傭金、回扣、禮金、有價證券、支付憑證、貴重物品等;不得參加乙方及其相關單位安排的可能影響公正執行公務的宴請及健身、娛樂、旅游等活動。

Have the square of influence most tianyi city square , there is delicacies , there is fountain can also with shopping . amember of a set commerce , junketing , cate , what a pretty fair city ningbo 中文:寧波是我的家鄉,那里很美,秋天空氣很不錯,交通也很方便,天一廣場是寧波最具影響力的廣場,有美食,有噴泉,還可以購物,集商務 旅游 美食于一體的廣場.寧波真是個不錯的城市

On one occasion recently a local aldermanic junket had been arranged to visit philadelphia - a junket that was to last ten days . hurstwood had been invited 最近市議會安排了一次到費城的訪查旅行,要去十天時間,赫斯渥也接到了邀請。

He smiled when he saw that she took him seriously , and he thought what a chance it would afford for a possible junket of a week or two 看到她把他的話當真了,他臉上露出了微笑。他想,這機會倒不錯,他可以出去玩個把星期。

September 10th - local tv junket interviews in melbourne september 11th / 12th - local tv junket interviews in sydney l = live and pr = pre - recording 電影將于9月9日在澳大利亞墨爾本, 9月11日在悉尼舉行首映式

Its whereabouts are known by the parents at all time , and no unaccountable junketing around the countryside in some boy ' s car is allowed 但不能讓孩子坐著某個男孩的汽車,去郊外搞什么說不出名堂的野餐。

Free transport and red carpet treatment when you get there may sound like a tourist junket few could turn down 要是聽說哪個城市有免費交通工具可以搭乘,并且給游客貴賓級的禮遇,恐怕很少有人不會心動。

But as its critics point out , the elected school board still found plenty of money for junkets and public relations 但是正如批評家指出的,學校董事會依然有很多錢揮霍在吃吃喝喝和公共關系上。

In addition , french people are used to junket friends in social occasions instead of at their home 此外,法國人習慣在各種社交場合,而不是在家里宴請朋友。

Doing a show on the new tv season . never pass up one of these junkets 演出新一季的電視劇,絕不錯過可以盡情吃喝的機會

Like , uh , “ press junket “ 說你是“回來度假的”

Shevchenko was in moscow yesterday , for some publicity junket 昨天舍瓦在莫斯科參與一些公共活動。

Today the bards must drink and junket 今天大詩人們要設宴暢飲。

London press junket . you were sitting next to me in the pub 倫敦新聞野餐你在酒吧里挨著我坐

. . . or did his wife send him on a junket ? ” …還是他妻子讓他去公費旅游?