uploads/junk heap.jpg

junk heap 〔美俚〕破舊汽車。

junk jewelry

2 . gun fight buckets , junk heap right bands , clown hat , ma tau , the left goes , the cloth upper left door , enter the name of the game 2 .用槍打水桶,右邊堆雜物的橫條,小丑的帽,馬頭,左邊的云,左上的布門,槍左邊的石頭,左邊的窗。

Non - x86 linux serves the same function that x86 linux does when it comes to rescuing old servers from the junk heap 當非x86從垃圾堆中拯救那些老服務器的時候,它承擔著與x86 linux同樣的功能。

What a junk heap 真是個垃圾堆