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junk food (熱量高而營養價值低的)劣等食品。

junk heap

My mother doesn ' t like to eat in fast food restaurants . she says most of the foods there are junk foods 媽媽不喜歡到速食店吃東西。她說那里的食物大部份是垃圾食物。

Could you cut out 10 percent of the junk food every day , replacing it with wholesome foods 你能否每天減少百分之十的垃圾食物,以有益健康的食品替換它呢?

Avoid junk food and high - calorie food , such as french fries , fried drumsticks and hamburgers 避免吃零食及高熱量食物,如炸薯條、炸雞腿、漢堡包等;

Avoid empty calories - junk food - won ' t fill you up & will waste your allotted calories 少食垃圾食品,它不會填?你的肚子,反而會消耗掉你的卡路里。

The state of texas bans the sale of all junk food on its school campuses during lunch time 德克薩斯州則禁止在午餐時間在校園內出售任何“垃圾食品“ 。

I can % 26rsquo ; t believe you ate all that junk food . you really made a pig of yourself 譯文:我簡直不敢相信你吃完了所有的零食,你真是狼吞虎咽呀

You ate last week , those are junk food . you ' d better eat less . what about chinese food 你上周剛吃過,這是垃圾食品,最好少吃,咱們吃中餐怎么樣?

It ' s the junk food junkie ' s wildest dream come true - - pizza as health food “垃圾食品”狂熱者們最美妙的夢想實現了- -比薩可以成為健康食品。

It ' s the junk food junkie ' s wildest dream come true - - pizza as health food “垃圾食品”狂熱者們最美妙的夢想實現了- -比薩被認定為健康食品。

There are so many junk food in some western restaurants but children them a lot 西方的有些飯店有那么多的垃圾食品,但是孩子們非常喜歡吃。

I can ' t believe you ate all that junk food . you really made a pig of yourself 譯文:我簡直不敢相信你吃完了所有的零食,你真是狼吞虎咽呀

Jessie : that ' s funny , because i usually get lots of junk food and pig - out 杰西:那很有趣,因為我通常會買很多垃圾食品,然后大吃一頓。

The scientists say images in computer games also expose children to junk food 科學家表示,電腦游戲影像也引誘孩子們選購垃圾食品中。

The scientists say images in computer games also expose children to junk food 科學家說電腦游戲的圖像也使孩子們暴露在垃圾食品中。

Animal foods , fried foods , junk foods and white sugar products should be avoided 動物食物、油炸食物、垃圾食品及白糖制品應避免

David : that ' s the idea . last year i quit junk food and i lost 10 pounds 大衛:就是這個想法。去年我戒掉垃圾食物,結果瘦了十磅。

The scientists say images in computer games also expose children to junk food 科學家認為電腦游戲中的形象也引起兒童偏食。

Even in grocery stores , junk food items commonly fill shopping carts 即使在食品雜貨店里,垃圾食物經常堆滿購物的推車。

My son likes junk food such as crips , sweets an fizzy drinks 我兒子喜歡吃炸土豆片、糖果和汽水一類只能填飽肚子的食品。