
juncture n.1.結合,連結,接縫,接合點;交界。2.時機,關頭。...


In this method , less calculation is required and the processing speed is faster . there was no any juncture on edge 該方法計算量小,操作速度快,同時不會在邊緣產生接縫問題。

Situated at the juncture of hunan , guangxi and guizhou province , tongdao county is very rich in edible wild herbs resources 通道縣地處湖南省西部邊陲的湘、桂、黔三省交界處。

The fact that the same physical person might take on both roles at some juncture is irrelevant , there are two 事實上,同一個自然人在某一時刻扮演兩個角色并不沖突,因為有兩個

By this juncture , i ve gotten rather tired of the word “ kid , “ as compared to something a bit less flip 在這一時刻,和其它不太冒失的詞相比,我覺得“小孩”這個詞相當不妥。

Mankind is again at an important historical juncture when it is about to enter a new century and a new millennium 人類又來到了一個新的世紀之交和千年之交的重要歷史時刻。

A crucial question arises at this juncture : which was or were the languages being spoken in delhi at that time 一個關鍵的問題出現在這會合:語言是是哪些或講話在德里那時

The project is situated at the juncture of hubei road and qufu road within the inner ring of tianjin city 項目描述:該項目地處天津市內環線以內的湖北路與曲阜道交口處。

What a mercy you are shod with velvet , jane ! - a clod - hopping messenger would never do at this juncture 幸虧你穿的是絲絨鞋,簡!在這種時候,粗手笨腳的聽差絕對不行。

So i began to run ( at this juncture i should point out that not many people run as fast as i do ) 所以,我開始狂奔(在這個節骨眼上,我敢說,很多人都沒有我跑得快) 。

Just at this juncture the boy felt a slow , fateful grip closing on his ear , and a steady lifting impulse 就在這時,湯姆覺得有人慢慢地抓住他的耳雜,漸漸往上提起。

Fixation of distal tibiofibular junctures separation with different screws in the treatment of ankle joint fractures 分類應用螺釘固定下脛腓聯合在踝部骨折中的應用

His latest near - miss came at a vital juncture of last week ' s champions league tie with psv eindhoven 他最近一次錯失良機是在上周對埃因霍溫的冠軍杯賽的緊要關頭。

Juncture application of coarse screw thread reinforcing steel bar coop of main piers in xigang viaduct 鐓粗直螺紋鋼筋接頭在西港高架橋主墩鋼筋籠連接中的應用

Writes a log entry at any juncture in the task processing where it is feasible to cancel execution 在任務處理過程中可以取消執行的任何時刻寫入日志項。

The application of geo - cellular railings in the juncture section of deep - cutting and high - filling subgrade 土工格柵在路基深挖高填交界段上的應用

Would the team actually let shaya bat at this juncture and give away their chance to win the game 在這個當口,他們會讓沙亞擊球從而放棄獲勝的機會嗎

At this juncture , personality entities on earth appear to have originated from two sources 在這個接合點上,地球上的人格存有看起來起源于兩個源頭。

At this juncture , we can only watch how it develops and hope for healthy results 現階段,只能靜觀其變,期許一個健康的結局。我們確實有發言心障。

The stretch between beacon hill and shatinpass was a juncture for the defence of kowloon 位于畢架山至沙田坳的一段成為當時守衛九半島的大門。