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junction box 接線盒,套管;連軸器。

junction diode

Plug : round shape 10pin , code no . 010 ; aami tpu innocuous cable is no harmful for the body ; special metal conductor make the using life increase 3 - 5 times ; high performance double shield cable ; gild terminal ensure connecting ; imported snap fastener ensure the longer uselife ; add the special anlistatig layer to protect the higher performance . junction box : 1 to 3 cables ; advantage technologies to avoid broken 插頭:圓頭10pin 010 aami標準鍍金端子確保連接信號更準確高性能tpu屏蔽電纜加入抗靜電干擾涂層特殊合金導體增加線纜壽命3 - 5倍分線合:一分三患者端:按扣式

Was founded in1984 , whose predecessor is zhejiang wire and cable co . , ltd . the company is specialized in producing telephone cords , computer cables , network cables , junction boxes , sockets and telecom instruments . for its more than twenty years , special production technique and excellent service , the company is developing steadly Ul2547多芯屏蔽電纜杭州耀華線纜有限公司公司地址:杭州市蕭山經濟開發區橋南區鴻發路318號電話: 86 - 571 - 8269 6397 8269 - 7868

The system is formed with explosion - proof kinescope , explosion - proof braket , explosion - proof decode , matrix controller , keyboard controller , 232 to 485 switch , color kinescope , digital harddisk kinescope system , display , manostat , explosion - proof junction boxes and special cable 該系統由防爆攝像儀、防爆云臺、防爆解碼器、矩陣控制器、鍵盤控制器、 232轉485轉換器、彩色攝像機、數字硬盤錄像系統、監視器、穩壓電源、防爆接線箱及專用電纜等組成。

The unit shall be equipped with a built - in electrical junction box . electrical heating elements shall be screw - in , direct - immersion , resistance - type . element operation shall be controlled by a thermostat for each element 這種熱水爐應該配置一個內置的電氣接線盒。電氣加熱元件應該螺紋擰進的,直接浸入式,電阻型加熱元件。每個加熱元件的工作應該由一個溫控器控制調節。

Except temperature sensor and non - junction box , there are four kinds of junction box : splashproof type waterproof type jack type common junction box . users can choose according to need of working spot 熱電阻系列產品除感溫元件和無接線盒形式以外,一般有四種接線盒形式,即防濺式防水式插座式和普通接線盒是,可根據工作現場需要分別選擇。

Connect the electrical supply to the water heater in accordance with local utility requirements and codes . a standard 1 / 2 inch opening has been made in the junction box for conduit connections 遵守當地供電部門的要求和相關的規定將電源線連接到熱水器上。作為標準配置,在接線盒上有一個1 / 2英寸的開口,用于導管連接。

Ground the water heater by connecting a grounding wire from the electrical service ground terminal to the green grounding screw in the junction box of the water heater 通過將電氣部件上的接地端子連接到熱水器接線盒里綠色接地螺絲上,實現熱水器的接地。

Water - proof adhesive glue should be filled in the inner cavity of junction boxes at wet areas . connection end s of the parts in hazardous areas shall be added explosion proof daub 潮濕區域的接線盒內腔應灌注防水膠,防爆區域部件連接端應填加防爆膠泥。

Remove junction box cover that is secured by 3 screws . place the cover aside and view the wiring diagram on the inside 通過旋下3個螺絲來拆卸接線盒。把蓋子放在旁邊并察看內面的接線圖。

Instruments and instrument signal lines shall be installed and lined up to a common junction box on the edge of the base plate 儀表和儀表信號線的安裝與底座邊緣上的共用接線盒對齊。

House junction boxes , up to 1000 v ; installation instructions for distribution cable nakley and house junction cable nycy 最高可達1kv的住宅接線盒.第7部分: nakley配電電纜和n

When junction boxes are fixed , enough space shall be leftfor parallel connection cables in order for maintenance 安裝電熱帶接線盒時,并聯帶應留有一定富裕量,以方便檢修。

House junction boxes up to 1000 v ; installation instruction for distribution cable nycwy and house junction cable nycy 最高可達1kv的住宅接線盒.第9部分: nycwy配電電纜和ny

House junction boxes up to 1000 v ; installation instructions for distribution cable nkba and house junction cable nycy 最高可達1kv的住宅接線盒.第5部分: nkba配電電纜和nyc

House junction boxes up to 1000 v ; installation instructions for distribution cable nkba and house junction cable nkba 最高可達1kv的住宅接線盒.第3部分: nkba配電電纜和nkb

Cz - jb junction box is produced with bao steel a3 material with surface finish of paining and plastic spray Jb接線箱采用寶鋼產a3板材進行加工生產,表面處理烤漆、噴塑。

House junction boxes up to 1000 v ; installation instruction for distribution cable nyy and house junction cable nyy 最高可達1kv的住宅接線盒.第11部分: nyy配電電纜和nyy

House junction boxes up to 1000 v ; inner design for distribution cable nakley and house junction cable nycy 最高可達1kv的住宅接線盒.第6部分: nakley配電電纜和n

House junction boxes up to 1000 v ; inner design for distribution cable nkba and house junction cable nkba 最高可達1kv的住宅接線盒.第2部分: nkba配電電纜和nkb