
jumpy adj.(-ier; -iest)1.跳躍的,急劇變化的...


Debate rages over the question , and periodically research is published showing that tv reduces attention span , makes children jumpy or inclines them to violence 對這一問題的爭論十分激烈,相關研究也在定期發表,這些研究表明,電視縮小了孩子們的興趣范圍,使孩子們變得心緒不寧,產生暴力傾向。

According to this kind of character , we use b model supersonic or weigh sector scanning , the structure that can see heart and blood vessel clearly and jumpy the figure that reachs change 根據這種特性,我們利用b型超聲或稱扇形掃描,可以清楚地看到心臟和血管的結構與跳動及變化的圖形。

This turns his book ? billed as “ part memoir , part political polemic ” ? into a jumpy diatribe against everyone who has contributed to israel ' s self - deception 這讓他的著作變成是對任何促進以色列“自我欺騙”現狀的人員的無際謾罵,而文體上也是半學術論文,半政論文。

If a program will always jump from one point to another , isn ' t there some way to reorganize the code so the flow of control is not so jumpy 若程序總是從一個地方跳到另一個地方,還有什么辦法能識別代碼的流程呢?

Hungry joe was a jumpy , emaciated wretch with a fleshless face of dingy skin and bone 享格利?喬是個瘦弱,神經過敏的可憐蟲,一張黑臉皮包骨頭,沒有什么肌肉。

The heartbeat is the frequency that points to heart throb , namely minutely jumpy how many times 心率是指心臟搏動的頻率,即每分鐘跳動多少次。

Nobody is jumpy about growth , of course , but of the government ' s reaction to it 沒有人會為經濟增長緊張,緊張的是中國政府對此的反應。

“ and the rain that ' s enough to make anyone jumpy , “ he continued irritably “還有這雨,誰都覺得受不了啦。 ”他沒好氣地繼續說。

Nobody is jumpy about growth , of course , but of the government ' s reaction to it 當然,沒人會為增長而憂慮,而是憂慮政府的反應。

I am jumpy , anxious or out on the edge right before my date picks me up 我的男朋友來接我以前,我總是很緊張,很焦急,坐立不安。

Parrot : i ' m always a little bit jumpy when i walk by the graveyard at night 我晚上走過墓地的時候,總事有點害怕(口語:發毛) 。

Aunt louise , who has been nervous and jumpy lately , suddenly burst into tears 最近一直很緊張且易激動的路易絲阿姨突然大哭起來。

In the evening , when the school is dark , the joints are jumpier 當夜幕降臨,學校關門熄燈,便是這些高消費場所活力迸發之時。

You ' re acting jumpy 你有點神經兮兮的

As you seem to have noticed , i ' m a little bit jumpy with public affection 正如你所看到的那樣,我在公共場合總有點放不開

Mary , who has been nervous and jumpy lately , suddenly burst into tears 瑪麗最近一直很緊張,很容易激動;她突然大哭起來。

Ifhe ' s got a jumpy tummy 如果他肚子疼的話

Why are you so jumpy 怎么那么神經兮兮的?

He just has to keep moving or he gets bored , nervous and jumpy 他不會定下來,要麼他們便會感到沉悶,緊張及神經質。