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jump shot (籃球)跳起投籃。

jump suit

Philadelphia , april 16 - michael jordan , 40 years of age and favoring crafty head fakes and jump shots rather than the acrobatic dunks and astounding hang time that made him famous , ended his storied playing career tonight 費城, 4月16日已屆不惑之年的邁克爾喬丹,相對于令他四海揚名的雜耍般的扣籃,而后不可思議地長時間吊在半空的一系列絕活,更為鐘愛自己巧妙的頭部假動作和靈活的跳投。

The steady , loping strides as bryant drives the ball upcourt , tongue wagging ; the backward strut , head nodding , after he buries a jump shot ; even the timbre and rhythm of his speech when he addresses the media are all vintage jordan 當科比在穩定、大步突破上籃時吐舌頭;在投進一個跳投后,邊背向退回后場,邊點頭;甚至在面對媒體講話時他的音色和節奏都很像喬丹的。

His biggest problem earlier in his career was that he would settle for fade aways and 18 ' jump shots because he didn ' t like the physical contact necessary to get closer to the hoop 他職業生涯早期最大的問題在于他滿足于作后仰跳投和18英尺中投,因為自己不喜歡為了更靠近籃下而必須的身體接觸。

Wiley said . “ fundamentally , his jump shot is perfect for a big guy . really we have nothing to lose . he is a diamond in the rough . 威利這樣說道, “對于一個大個子隊員來講,他的跳投基本上是完美無缺的。我們確實不會有任何損失。他是一顆未經雕琢的鉆石。

“ you can ' t guard chris when he ' s making his jump shots , “ said raptor coach sam mitchell . “ he can go around you , left or right , and he can shoot it 他還說道: “克里斯一旦在外線找到手感,便會變得不可戰勝,他可以從左右任何一個位置攻擊籃筐。

Someone explain to me why dirk is so gifted for being a jump shooter despite being 7 feet tall , yet yao is soft for having a jump shot at 7 ' 6 一些人想說明為什么德克有7尺高,投起籃來卻那么有天賦,但是姚明同樣具有投籃天賦,但他是7尺6寸。

When in doubt - - and lebron still has key - moment doubt in his hot / cold jump shot - - lebron basically plays football 有疑問的話就是勒布朗仍然在關鍵時刻有點猶豫在他手感不定投籃的時候勒布朗好像打橄欖球的。

Midrange pull - ups were the most common result of his ability to move , stop , then elevate , resulting in clean jump shots 中距離拔起投籃最能展現他運球,急停,然后跳起投籃的能力了,總可以看到球很干脆地入網。

The result of all that should be a quality shot : a layup , or a wide open jump shot within the player ' s range 那樣的話,就會帶來更高質量的投籃:上籃啊,在球員射程范圍的空位跳投啊。

I remember when everyone was saying that yao ' s jump shot was gone , when he wasn ' t taking or making them much 我記得當時每一個人都說姚的跳投不行,那時他投不進或者投得太多了。

Missed free throws , relying too much on jump shots and abysmal defense have plagued the team all season 罰球不進、過分依賴跳投以及糟糕的防守整個賽季也都折磨著球隊。

They are gone , aren ' t they ? yao ' s over relying his jump shot . will it work in the playoffs 姚的轉身移動呢,哪兒去了?姚過于依賴他的跳投了,這在季后賽中能頂用嗎?

Discuss on improve the percentage of hits of the jump shot in basketball teaching in university 淺談在高校籃球教學中如何提高跳投的命中率

Wiley said . “ fundamentally , his jump shot is perfect for a big guy 威利這樣說道, “對于一個大個子隊員來講,他的跳投基本上是完美無缺的。

She managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net 她總是盡力地跳起投籃,球恰好越過那些孩子的頭頂飛入籃筐。

A miss off the backboard then followed an awkward - looking jump shot 接下來他投丟一球,然后又送上一個動作難看的跳投。

Oh , you got jokes to go along with that ugly jump shot of yours , huh 哦,你除了會那么難看的跳投還會說笑話,唔?

Well , there goes my jump shot 呃,好像打到動脈了

The next key about control movement , the space bar or jump shooting 上下左右鍵控制移動,空格鍵跳躍或投籃。