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jump instruction 【計算機】轉移指令,跳越指令。

jump pass

What this means is that in order to detect an inline function hook you need to scan , more or less , the entire range of executable kernel memory and look through each unconditional jump instruction 這意味著,為了檢測一個內嵌函數掛勾,你得搜索,或多或少,可執行內核內存的整下區域來查看每一個無條件跳轉指令。

But a program is not invariably executed sequentially ; it may jump around ( e . g . , the ias jump instruction ) 但是程序不會總是順序地執行,它可以跳轉(如ias跳轉指令) 。

To intervene manually in a routine and cause the computer to execute a jump instruction 在程序運行過程中,進行人工中斷或干預,使計算機執行一條轉移指令。

The second line of assembler is a jump instruction that jumps 1 byte forward 第二行代碼是一條向前跳1個字節的跳轉指令。

Jump instruction jump of iamge 跳變指令

Conditional jump instruction 條件轉移指令

Accumulator jump instruction 累加器轉移指令

Accumulator jump instruction 累積器跳越指令

Unconditional jump instruction 無條件跳越指令

In computer programming , a jump instruction 計算機程序設計中的一種跳轉指令。建議使用jump 。

Jump instruction transfers control to the method specified by ( jump )指令將控制轉移到

In computer programming , a jump instruction 計算機程序設計中的一種跳轉指令。

If we load this known address, as data, into the program counter, we execute a jump instruction . 如果我們將已知的地址依數據加載到程序計數器中,就可以執行一條轉移指令。