uploads/jump hook.jpg

jump hook 【體育】(籃球的)鉤手跳投。

jump instruction

I wouldn ' t label him a “ bucket getter , “ nor is he the second - coming of the “ big fundamental , “ but he is certainly capable of maneuvering for his jump hook 我不會冠以他“得分手”的稱號,也不會說他即將成為第二個“石佛” ,但他確實能夠向球迷施展他勾手投籃能力。

He is starting to understand that , at 7 ? “ , very few centers in this league have the sheer size needed to contest his jump hook or turn around jumper 他開始明白, 7尺5寸,在這個聯盟里的中鋒很少有這個絕對高度來對付他的勾手和轉身跳投。

He worked on the jump hooks and short jumpers he hopes will become staples of his game 避免新賽季腳筋再次拉傷,他加強了勾手投籃和短距離跳投練習。