
jumbo n.(pl. jumbos)1.體大而笨拙的人[動物、物...


The proof of the experiment isn ' t in the mumbo jumbo of the calculations 這個試驗的證據不是關于計算數字啊,跳躍啊這些東西

Asian puppet series : “ crow crow show “ by jumbo kids theatre in cantonese 亞洲木偶系列:大細路劇團《鴉鴉show 》 (粵語演出)

Two jumbo jacks , one sourdough . . . - got a favorite parking spot here , bob 兩個巨無霸,一個酵母漢堡. . . -喜歡停在哪里,鮑勃

Two jumbo jacks , one sourdough . - got a favorite parking spot here , bob -兩個巨無霸,一個酵母漢堡. -喜歡停在哪里,鮑勃

Jumbo pier , aberdeen 香港仔珍寶海鮮舫碼頭

Hotel jumbo zhuhai intro 珠海華駿大酒店介紹

Design of fm wireless remote controlling device on hydraulic rock drilling jumbo 液壓鑿巖鉆車調頻無線電遙控裝置設計

This machine is with jumbo roll edge - retrieving unit with trim sides of products 帶有原紙修邊裝置,產品兩端整齊。

Okay , he wanted the jumbo shrimp with baked potato , and she wanted the - - 好吧,他想要大對蝦和烤土豆還有她想要

It ' s all mumbo jumbo to me 對我來說全是胡言亂語

Okay , he wanted the jumbo shrimp with baked potato , and she wanted the - 好吧,他想要大對蝦和烤土豆還有她想要

Braised jumbo shrimp balls with cauliflower 紅煤蝦球

Hotel jumbo zhuhai hotel jumbo zhuhai 珠海華駿大酒店

Co - presenter : jumbo kids theatre 協辦機構:大細路劇團

And when we do , no mumbo jumbo 當我們行動時不要充硬漢

China wuxi aoxian jumbo bag co . , ltd 無錫市翱翔集裝袋公司

Zhuhai richmand hotel hotel jumbo , zhuhai 珠海華駿大酒店

Stir - fried jumbo shrimp balls with cauliflower 菜花炒蝦丸

Because i use super - jumbo tampons 因為我用超大號的衛生棉條