
jumble n.環形甜薄餅。

jumble sale

Sometimes , though , the levels of reality do get jumbled , with odd effects 然而,有時在真實世界中,事情并不是這麼涇渭分明,而且還有著一些奇特效應。

A disorderly mass ; a jumble : the desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters 雜亂的一堆;一團糟:這張桌上雜亂地堆放著一些紙和未拆的信。

Most obvious place it number relatively less proletariat thought numerous and jumbled 其最明顯之處就是人數相對較少,非無產階級思想龐雜。

The untidy boy ' s toys , boots and books were all jumbled together [ up ] in a cupboard 不整潔的孩子的玩具,靴子及書藉,都亂堆在一只柜櫥里。

My sister ' s toys , books , shoes and clothes were all jumbled together in the cupboard 我小妹妹的玩具、書籍、鞋子和衣服都亂堆在柜里。

Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information 按著一定編目的材料要比雜亂無章的混亂信息好記得多。

Part one particularly introduces numerous and jumbled judicial authorities 第一部分詳細介紹了漢代司法機構組織的龐雜多樣。

How can i find that letter when all your papers are jumbled up like this 你的文件像這樣亂成一堆,我怎么能找到那封信呢?

The vicar has pressed - ganged me into organizing the christmas jumble sale 那位教區牧師強迫我組織圣誕舊雜貨義賣。

What to make of this jumble of conflicting language taboos 從這個有爭執的語言禁忌的亂攤子當中,我們能悟出什么呢?

Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information 組織過的材料比混雜的信息更容易記住。

Jumble up all the digits in your number to make another number 將所有的位元從新排列使它成位另外一個數字。

His room was a jumble of clothes , newspapers and beer bottles 他房間亂七八糟地堆放著衣服、報紙和啤酒瓶。

After the game , mussina jumbled numbers as media engulfed him 賽后,當媒體包圍著他老穆談到隨機變數。

His thoughts seemed to be jumbled up 他的思想似乎很混亂。

I think i may have jumbled them 我想我可能把成績給弄顛倒了

I must look out some bits and pieces for the church jumble sale 我得找些零碎東西捐給教堂作義賣

Toys , books , shoes and clothes were jumbled on the floor 玩具、書、鞋和衣服都雜亂地堆在地上。

Exhibiting short , jumbled waves , as a tidal rip 波浪起伏的顯示短而雜亂的波浪的,比如在海潮中