
juliet n.1.朱麗葉〔女子名〕。2.莎士比亞悲劇《羅米歐與朱麗...

juliet cap

On the “ national assembly of hackers , “ or “ frank juliet . “全國黑客大會”或“弗蘭克?朱麗葉”的消息。

I was given the role of juliet 我獲得飾演朱麗葉的角色。

Juliet tossed her head , and said she would never marry him 朱麗葉輕蔑地把頭一仰,聲言她絕不會嫁給他。

On the “ national assembly of hackers , “ or “ frank juliet . “全國黑客大會”或“弗蘭克?朱麗葉”的消息。

The figure hoped juliet to go far , the heart loses disappointed 望著juliet遠去的背影,內心失落惆悵。

Here she is . this is aurelia . this is juliet . this is peter 她來了,這是艾瑞麗這是朱麗葉,這是彼得

A : i was given the role of juliet 我獲得飾演朱麗葉的角色。

Lady capulet looked down and stared at juliet in horror 卡布利特夫人往下看,然后驚駭地凝視茱麗葉。

Romeo . mr . garrick juliet . mr 全新行頭,全新布景,全新道具!

Juliet : ay pilgrim , lips that they must use in prayer 朱麗葉是啊,信徒,他們的嘴唇要用來禱告神明。

And juliet bleeding , warm and newly dead , 朱麗葉的尸骨未寒,

Juliet hulme : daddy says the bible ' s a load of bunkum 朱麗葉?休默:爸爸說《圣經》里是一大堆廢話!

When you wanna realise it was just that the time was wrong juliet 當你知道萬僅是時間不對朱麗葉

Juliet in love is still her most decent and appealing role 全片最搶鏡的,反而是一眾客串的男角。

Juliet : i don ' t want to get sick either 朱麗葉:我也不想生病!

Juliet needs your comfort and so you must be with her 茱麗葉需要你的安慰,因此你必須陪伴著她。

Very good ! this is my first time seeing a pregnant juliet 非常好!我這是第一次看到懷孕的茱莉葉

I don ' t think i can . - but , juliet , you ' re a doctor 我覺得我做不到-但是,朱麗葉,你是個醫生

Juliet : because that ' s what i put in my geography exam 朱麗葉:因為我在地理考試上是這樣寫的。