
julienne n.〔法語〕菜絲湯。adj.(將蔬菜)切成絲的。 gre...


In a pan gently fry the garlic clove , once golden add asparagus dice and green peas cook breathly to keep all the flavors , then add parsley julienne and tomato dice , taste seasoning , remove garlic and add a dash of lemon juice , reserve hot 取一鍋,放入大蒜頭,加熱至金黃色,然后放入蘆筍,青豆炒.待香味溢出后,放入歐芹,番茄粒翻炒,取出大蒜頭,加入一些檸檬汁,保溫儲存

I m calling upon every person who s hearing this sound of this voice whether you re in hong kong this morning or in moscow or rotterdam or peoria , illinois , or julienne , california , or arrowhead , listen 我向每個聽著的人發出呼吁,不管你今早身在香港莫斯科鹿特丹皮奧里亞伊利諾朱利亞尼加州,聽著: