
julian n.朱利安〔男子名〕。adj.(古羅馬獨裁者)儒略凱撒 ...


Represents the julian calendar 表示儒略歷。

Julian , nothing happened . - i don ' t for a moment think anything did 朱利安,我們什么都沒發生-我不認為會發生點什么

- i go out with one of the dons . - i know . julian ellsworth -我和一個指導教師出去約會了-我知道。 julian ellsworth

Julian cheung s lastest album , featuring 17 new songs and best selections 張智霖最新大碟,收錄新歌及經典舊歌17首

Julian : yes , not a lot going on at all . like the grave in fact 朱利安:不錯,完全沒什么有趣的東西,像墳墓一樣。

The nobel prize - julian schwinger 朝永振一郎

I notice it didn ' t take julian long to chum up with the new secretary 我注意到朱利安沒多久就和新秘書交上了朋友。

I go out with one of the dons . - i know . julian ellsworth 我和一個指導教師出去約會了-我知道。 julian ellsworth

I helped julian get to the top of the wall by acting as a step for him 我充當踏板,幫助朱利安到達了石壁的頂部。

Artist name : sands , julian 藝人名稱:朱利安辛斯

I thought for certain i would hear that gilda and julian had broken up . . 我原以為會聽到吉爾達和朱利安分手的消息

- i saw the last one twice . - julian , a walk - in may need stitches -我看過二次最后一部的. -茱麗安,一個人需要縫線

I thought for certain i would hear that gilda and julian had broken up 我原以為會聽到吉爾達和朱利安分手的消息

He ' s ten and his name is julian 他十歲了叫julian

I saw the last one twice . - julian , a walk - in may need stitches 我看過二次最后一部的. -茱麗安,一個人需要縫線

Cast : julian cheung , maju ozawa , tse kwan - ho , same lee , lam suet 演員:張智霖,謝君豪,小澤真珠,李燦森,林雪

Operations principal : mr . julian tse 校長:謝錦華先生

A woman spotted julian mccormick lying on the side of the road 一位婦女發現了豬力安?麥考米克躺在路邊。

A woman spotted julian mccormick lying on the side of the road 一位女子目擊朱利安?麥克馬克躺在路邊。