
julia n.朱莉亞〔女子名〕。


Julia : i could ask you the same question , sir 朱:我也可以問您同樣的問題,客官。

Julia paled at the sight of the terrible accident 朱莉婭看見慘禍時嚇得臉色發白。

Have you heard about julia coming to shanghai 你有沒有聽說朱莉婭到上海來了?

. but who is your first choice ? - julia roberts 誰是你的第一選擇? -朱麗亞羅伯茲

Come on , julia , you know you can handle it 快點,朱莉婭,你知道你能處理這事的。

I feel like julia roberts in pretty woman 我感覺就象風月俏佳人里的朱麗亞羅伯茨

Julia , your brother is here . it ' s time to go home ?的弟弟在這里。回家時間到?

But who is your first choice ? - julia roberts 誰是你的第一選擇? -朱麗亞羅伯茲

Julia : the hour is late . away to your purpose 朱:時間緊迫,去完成你的任務吧。

I fear my julia will not deign my lines 我擔心我的朱莉亞不會欣然接受我的書信。

As he was of high birth and of a showy person, the vain julia was not so much in love as to be insensible to his attentions . 由于他出身高貴,又是個惹眼的美男子,朱莉亞雖然別有所戀,卻并非深情得沒覺察到他的殷勤勁兒。

The fair julia regarded herself with a last gaze of complacent vanity, and reclining again upon her seat . 美麗的朱莉亞用沾沾自喜的自負的眼光朝鏡子里的自己盯上最后一眼,重又靠在椅子上。

“shaista never thinks of anything except things to wear,“ said julia scornfully as the two friends passed on . “謝斯塔從來不想別的,就是講究穿,”朱莉婭同她的朋友一邊走一邊輕蔑地說。

Mrs. norris began to look about her and wondered that his falling in love with julia had come to nothing . 諾利斯太太環顧左右,為他和朱麗葉的戀愛未成感到納悶。

Julia was bending over a desk, her tongue protruding slightly, absorbed in the agonies of composition . 朱麗婭埋頭在課桌上,舌頭微微伸出,正在搜索枯腸做作文。

Julia well knew that on this ground maria could not be happy but at her expense . 朱麗葉非常清楚,在這件事情上,除非是捉弄她,不然瑪麗亞是不會高興的。

Before julia could command herself enough to speak, her brother gave his weight against her too . 朱麗葉正待鎮靜下來講話時,她哥哥又重重地給了她一棒。

Julia was sent to a barren rock called pondatoria, off the italian coast . 朱利亞被遣送到離意大利海岸不遠,一個名叫潘達托亞的荒無人煙的礁島上。

Julia looked hard at the thessalian for some moments in rather an embarrassed silence . 朱莉亞一言不發,忸怩不安地盯著這個底薩萊人看了一會兒。