
jujitsu n.〔日語〕柔術,柔道〔日本的一種拳術和摔跤術〕。

jujitsu politics

Furthermore , just as wrestling and brazilian jujitsu have merged to form an unchallengeable combination on the ground ; the marriage of boxing and muaythai is proving undefeatable in the standing game 此外,就像摔跤和巴西柔術融合成了地面的無敵組合一樣,拳擊和泰拳的結合在站立式競技運動中被證明是無敵的。

A sport and method of physical training similar to wrestling , developed in japan in the late 19th century and using principles of balance and leverage adapted from jujitsu 柔道,現代柔術類似摔跤的一種運動及健身方式, 19世紀晚期產生于日本,采用柔道的平衡原理及杠桿原則。

1912 moves to hokkaido prefecture and meets sokaku takeda , learn daito - ryu aiki - jujitsu . 1919 meets o . deguchi of the omoto sect in ayabe , kyoto 據說雖然他身高只有156公分,槍術卻很精通,達到了教官要向他討教的程度

Of course , it is derived in part from jujitsu , the hand - to - hand combat technique of ancient samurai warriors , and everything is relative 柔道部分起源于一種古代日本武士空手搏斗的技術:柔術。

He does jujitsu and mui tai wrestling . he loves to get out there and scrapple and its all for fun , its all for fun 他學習柔道和摔角,他喜歡在那兒被摔得像玉米肉餅,他視之為樂趣

I didn ' t know you took jujitsu 我不知道你會柔道

Offers classes in jujitsu , tai chi chuan and mixed martial arts 提供導師介紹太極班簡介相片影片等。