
juicy adj.1.多汁的。2.(天氣)多雨的,陰濕的。3.〔口...


- want a juicy bone ? - come here -看這美味的骨頭-來

Pants with “ juicy “ written across the heinie . i ' m gonna wear that ? 屁股上寫著“多汁”的褲子我能穿那個嗎?

He used his mental capacity to act as raconteur and juicy gossipmonger 于是他就扮演一個健談風趣的大擺呼。

A variety of cultivated cherry having sweet , juicy fruit 牛心形櫻桃培育出來的大而甜的多種櫻桃,多汁水果

We have great steaks . very juicy 我們的牛排很棒很多汁

The watermelons in egypt were juicy 那邊的西瓜好多汁。

Tell me all the juicy details 把有趣的細節都講給我聽。

2 this restaurant is celebrated for their juicy rib - eye steak 這家餐廳以鮮美多汁的樂野牛排而聞名遐邇。

I want all the juicy details 我要知道其中有味道的詳情。

New york : the big , juicy apple 紐約,一個又大又甜的蘋果

I like tomatoes . they are juicy 我喜歡番茄,他們很多汁。

Come here , boy . nice juicy bone 來這兒,狗仔。美味的骨頭

She ordered a juicy rump steak 她點了一份多汁的臀肉牛排。

Sell juicy handbag in aaa quality 在辦學質量多汁手袋出售

It has a juicy , translucent flesh with a similar taste to a lychee 果肉透明富含汁液,吃起來像荔枝。

They buy up all the juicy ones 他們把肥嫩的牛統統買走了。

He ordered a juicy rump steak 他要了一份多汁的后腿肉牛排。

It has a very juicy flesh and a distinctive aroma when ripe 熟時,果肉富含汁液,有一種特殊的香味。

There are some fresh juicy oranges 那邊有些新鮮多汁的橙子。