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juice box 盛放果汁的小紙盒。

juice dealer

You are a juice box 你是一盒果汁。

Now go get me a juice box 現在就幫我那罐飲料來

I ' m talking to the juice box guy 我在和飲料男講

We ' ll see you later , juice box 我們會再見,飲料男

Why don ' t you grab me a juice box 你不妨再幫我拿罐飲料來

Everyone wave goodbye to juice box 大家向飲料男招手說再見

I think you had enough of the juice box 我覺得你果汁喝得夠多了

Can hitler have a juice box ? - yeah , i ' ll get it -要給那小希特勒的一包果汁嗎? -當然,我來拿吧

I ' m no juice box boy , i ' ll tell you that 我告訴你,我不是什么飲料男孩

Anything i want . get me a juice box , beyotch 任何我想要它做的事!給我弄盒果汁來,快

Anything l want . get me a juice box , beyotch 任何我想要它做的事!給我弄盒果汁來,快

And go get me juice boxes when i tell you 而且當我叫你去拿飲料時你就去拿