
juice n.1.(菜蔬、果實、植物等的)汁、液、漿。2.〔 pl...

juice box

Ed : thanks . we ' d both like some orange juice 艾德:謝謝,我們倆都想喝柳橙汁。

Studies on application of ultrafiltration in cucumis juice 超濾澄清黃瓜汁的研究

L saw this coming when she made him apple juice 我今天早上看到她幫他做蘋果汁了

I ain ' t goin ' back without some lizard juice 得不到蜥蜴的汁液我是不會回去的。

To sailboats and gibble - grated berry - juice bladders 到帆船和灑滿果醬的桔子汁。

Over the periods their saliva , a mild digestive juice like our own , was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today . 經過若干演化階段,蛇的唾液,一種溫和的助消化的象人們的唾液一樣的液體變成了甚至在今天也難以分析的毒液。

Breakfast was corned-beef hash, browned, with an egg on top of it, coffee and milk, and a big glass of chilled grapefruit juice . 早飯吃的是罐頭咸牛肉丁,烘烤得黃燦燦的,上面還配著一只煎雞蛋,還有咖啡牛奶和一大杯清涼爽口的葡萄汁。

The pancreatic juice also contains three main enzymes which tear proteins, fats and carbohydrates apart into basic building blocks . 胰液內還含有三種主要的酶,這些酶能把蛋白質、脂肪和碳水化合物分解成基礎建筑材料。

the making of wine involves the fermentation of the soluble sugars of the juices of grapes into and ethyl alcohol. 釀葡萄酒包括葡萄汁中的可溶性糖變成及乙醇的發酵過程。

He sprinkled her with the juices of aconite, and immediately her hair came off, and her nose and ears likewise . 他用附子汁向她灑去,她的頭發馬上就脫光了,她的鼻子和耳朵也掉了。

Juices of roots slowly dissolve some rocks, as can be seen by sprouting beams on a piece of smooth marble . 根部的汁液緩慢地溶解某些巖石,光滑的大理巖上長豆子可以說明這情況。

Well, maybe on friday night, there'd be some of the old juice in him and he'd score spectacularly . 好吧,也許在星期五晚上,他身上還有點勁,可以贏得一次可觀的成績。

Tom was mulling over this fact one morning as he watched bruna pouring orange juice for the family . 一天上午,湯姆看著布魯娜給全家倒橙汁時,正在細想著這一點。

There was the thirst i had when i watched clear, sweet juice trickle from sugar cane being crushed . 還有,我看到一邊榨干蔗,一邊淌出透亮的甘汁,就口渴起來。

I evaluate all this and start sending out impulses to step up production of gastric juices and saliva . 我核計了這一切,開始傳出搏動以加快生產胃液和唾液。

A rust or prune juice in nasal discharge colour indicates blood originating from lower respiratory tract . 鐵銹色或深紫紅色鼻液表示血液來自下呼吸道。

In another few hours the devilfish would have a “flat can“ no battery juice left . 不消兩三個鐘點,“烏賊號”就會剩下個“空電池”,一點電也沒有了。

If any larger amount of gastric juice is dumped into the duodenum, it eats its way into the wall . 大量消化液一旦傾入十二指腸,就會腐蝕腸壁了。

Picture the growing girl, juices flowing in her every summer more and more . 想像一個逐漸長大的少女,一個夏天比一個夏天會更加成熟。