
jugular adj.1.【解剖學】喉的,頸的;頸靜脈的。2.(魚)喉...


Objective : to investigate the effect of pumpless portosystemic bypass in clinical piggyback liver transplantation . methods : after catheterized inferior mesenteric vein , the silastic catheter ( filled with heparin saline ) was connected with the catheterized tube of internal jugular vein or subclavian vein in four piggyback liver transplantation patients . the channel was opened after the portal vein was occluded . the portal vein blood poured into the superior vena cava through the pumpless channel . the changes of mesenteric congestion , portal vein pressure , blood pressure and pulse were observed . results : during the occlusion of portal vein , the portal vein pressure was increased greatly , the intestine was congested and swelled obviously and the blood pressure and pulse fluctuated gently . after the pumpless bypass opened , intestinal congestion and swell were abated markedly , the portal pressure , blood pressure and pulse gradually returned to normal range . conclusions : pumpless portosystemic bypass shows a great effect on clinical piggyback liver transplantation . it is a feasible and economical method 目的探討背駝式原位肝移植術中采用體外門-體靜脈無泵轉流的臨床效果.方法4例行背駝式原位肝移植患者,腸系膜下靜脈屬支插管經體外硅膠管(充滿肝素鹽水)與頸內靜脈或鎖骨下靜脈插管相接,在阻斷門靜脈后開通腸系膜下靜脈插管,門靜脈血從體外無泵轉流管流入上腔靜脈,觀察轉流前后腸道瘀血、門靜脈壓、血壓、脈搏等變化情況.結果門靜脈阻斷后腸道明顯瘀血、腫脹,門靜脈壓力明顯升高,血壓、脈搏有不同程度的波動,無泵門靜脈轉流開放后,腸道瘀血、腫脹明顯好轉,門靜脈壓力逐漸恢復正常水平,血壓、脈搏恢復正常.結論背駝式原位肝移植術中體外門-體靜脈無泵流具有方便、經濟、實用等優點,具有良好的臨床效果

Result : the c3 to c7 , intervertebral discs , spinal cord , cervical nerves , vertebral artery , longus colli , larynx ( trachea ) , pharynx ( esophagus ) , common carotid artery ( internal and external carotid artery ) , internal jugular vein , vagus nerve and sternocleidomastoid were successfully reconstructed and displayed 結果:成功重建并立體顯示第3 ~ 7頸椎、椎間盤、脊髓、頸神經、椎動脈、頸長肌、喉(氣管) 、咽(食管) 、頸總動脈(頸內、外動脈) 、頸內靜脈、迷走神經和胸鎖乳突肌等解剖結構的位置關系,建立了頸前入路相關結構的三維可視化模型。

Methods : to divide the anatomic area into several parts : sigmoid sinus , jugular bulb , semicircular canal , internal acoustic meats , cerebellopontine angle area , duramater . simulated the partial labyrinthectomy and endoscopic surgery on 20 adult cadaveric specimens , measured correlative data , observed correlative anatomic structure . all data analysied by sas 方法:在20例40側成人尸頭上模擬迷路后徑路橋小腦角區內鏡手術和部分迷路切除術,將相關解剖結構分為乙狀竇、頸靜脈球、半規管、內聽道、橋小腦角區、硬腦膜等幾個區域,分別觀察相關解剖結構及測量相關數據,測量結果用sas軟件進行統計學分析。

Super - posterior semicircular canal resection s scope is wider than posterior semicircular canal resection and could treat internal acoustic meats lesions too . conclusion : we get the scope of the two different incisions of duramater . study the effect of the sigmoid sinus , jugular bulb and cerebellopontine angle area to retrolabyrinthine approach surgery 后、上半規管切除在外半規管以下所得范圍同后半規管切除相似,在外半規管平面以上可以有一較大的暴露范圍,可以一直暴露到內聽道口,甚至可以暴露內聽道的全程,因此可以在直視下處理內聽道內的病變。

The next 90 minutes at the camp nou will define whether chelsea can win the champions league . jose mourinho has an interesting decision to make : does he start cautiously , or does he go for the jugular 由于首回合切爾西隊主場1 : 2落敗,因此在即將開始的比賽中, “藍軍”至少需要進2球才能完成逆轉。

The physical signs of jugular vein engorgement and gallop rhythm as well as the pericardial calcification on the chest roentgeno gram lead to the diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis 身體理學檢查發現頸靜脈擴張及心音奔馬節律,同時放射腺攝影顯示心包膜鈣化引導我們診斷緊縮性心包膜炎。

We report on a patient with cvt associated with bijvs , who was treated successfully using direct thrombolysis and bilateral internal jugular vein stenting 我們報告一個罹患大腦靜脈栓塞合并兩側內頸靜脈狹窄的個案,并且成功的以血栓溶解術和兩側內頸靜脈支架置放術治療此病患。

In this paper , a case of dehiscent jugular bulb presenting as an asymptomatic retrotympanic bluish mass in the right ear of a 49 - year - old male is reported 本文報告一49歲男性,在例行健康檢查時,發現右耳鼓膜后面,錘骨柄下方有一半球形暗黑色腫塊。

Botulinum toxin type a for modulating calcitonin gene - related peptide contents in jugular plasma and brain stem of migraine model rats triggered by nitroglycerin 型肉毒毒素對硝酸甘油引發偏頭痛大鼠頸靜脈血和腦干內降鈣素基因相關肽水平的調節

If you ‘ re a woman , do you feel your head tilting to the side a bit , exposing either your soft , sensuous neck or , looking at it another way , your jugular 如果你是一位女士,你發現你會把腦袋稍稍側傾、露出柔美頸部- -或換個角度說,頸靜脈嗎?

If you ' re a woman , do you feel your head tilting to the side a bit , exposing either your soft , sensuous neck or , looking at it another way , your jugular 如果你是一位女士,你發現你會把腦袋稍稍側傾、露出柔美頸部- -或換個角度說,頸靜脈嗎?

The distance between the occipital condyle and the extracranial end of jugular foramem on the right sides was shorter than the left sides . 3 枕髁及相關測量:舌下神經管內口位于枕髁中后1 3交界處,右側頸靜脈外口至枕髁距離短于左側。

Venous hum is accentuated by deep inspiration in most patients and may be obliterated by the valsalva maneuver or by pressure on the internal jugular vein 多數病人在深吸氣時靜脈嗡鳴音明顯,用瓦爾薩爾瓦手法或按壓頸內靜脈即或消除。

Conclusion : central venous cannulation through external jugular vein is a method which is more simply operated and has fewer complications 結論:經頸外靜脈中心靜脈里管是一種操作簡單、并發癥少的中心靜脈里管方法。

Dehiscence of the floor of the hypotympanum with protrusion of the jugular bulb into the middle ear cavity is a rare otological finding 摘要頸靜脈球經下鼓室底部骨層裂隙膨入中耳腔,是一種罕見的中耳腔血管異常。

Xephia snipes her target ' s jugular with a enchanted deadly arrow . deals quite much damage to the target with a long range 席菲雅以一只附魔的致命之箭狙擊目標的要害。造成目標相當大的傷害,且具有長射程。

2 . there is a remarkable difference between the height of two sides of jugular bulb . right is higher than left 左右兩側頸靜脈球的高度有顯著性差異,右側明顯高于左側,兩側頸靜脈球寬度無顯著差異。

Vince : i know it . webtracker is playing for keeps . they ' ll go for our 3 ) jugular if we give them the chance 文斯:我知道。 “網路搜尋家”這次想要獨霸。若我們給他們機會,只怕我們連命都保不住。

Results : there were no complications detected in external jugular vein group , but the operation failed in 5 cases 結果:經頸外靜脈組未發現并發癥,但有5例導管不能插入上腔靜脈。