
jugglery n.1.魔術。2.花招,把戲。3.欺詐,欺騙。


Phenomenon and noumenon were bandied back and forth . they charged him with attempting to explain consciousness by itself . he charged them with word - jugglery , with reasoning from words to theory instead of from facts to theory 克瑞斯和漢密爾頓攻擊諾爾屯企圖以意識解釋意識諾爾屯則攻擊他們倆玩弄詞語,思考時從詞語到理論,而不是從實際到理論。

All religions have promised inner silence when you reach the state of self - realization - the inner miracle of the subtle awareness and not gross jugglery 所有宗教均說,當一個人得到覺悟之后,便有一種內在的靜默的力量。

He tried to imagine himself she , gazing into those eyes of his , but failed in the jugglery 他努力把自己想作是她,凝望著那一雙眼睛,可是玩這個雜技他卻失敗了。

A bad rabbit that lures or jokes good children with jugglery in the hallowmas 只在萬圣節里用戲法和雜耍捉弄和誘惑好孩子的壞兔子。

It was sheer jugglery of fate 只能說是命運的播弄。

No party could survive such a record of political trickery and financial jugglery . 沒有哪一個政黨,耍弄這樣的政治陰謀和經濟欺騙后還可以存在下去的。

This is an advertising agency with all its jugglery of public sentiment . 這是一家耍花樣竭力投合公眾心理的廣告代理商。