
judy n.朱迪1.〔女子名〕。2.英國木偶戲《笨拙與朱迪》(P...


Judy : so what do you think of the idea 茱蒂:你覺得這個主意怎麼樣?

Judy : why are you so sweaty and filthy 你怎么渾身是汗,還臟兮兮的?

A : what about “ spicy girls ” , judy 朱迪,你覺得“辣妹”的歌怎么樣?

Judy garland , he recalls , was also fond of a tipple ( 9 ) 據他回憶,茱蒂嘉蘭也很喜歡烈性酒。

Judy , could you take the top off this time 朱迪,你能先脫掉上衣嗎?

Hello , helen , i am tom and this is my wife , judy (嗨,海倫,我是湯姆,這是我太太朱蒂。 )

Judy wrung out a sponge and scrubbed down the fridge 它還擰干了一塊海綿,把冰箱擦了一遍。

Judy : driver , does this bus go to washington square 茱蒂:司機,這輛車到下到華盛頓廣場

I have to say , judy , this is a real pleasure , 我說,朱迪,我真的很高興

Danrong is my best friend . her english name is judy 丹蓉是我最好的朋友,她英文名叫朱迪。

Judy : hi , come on , maybe it ' s mine . let me try it 女兒3 :我來了,也許是我的,讓我試試。

Judy wan , wwf hong kong resever officer 世界自然基金會保護區主任溫翰芝

“ oh , yes . a lot of people , “ said judy 哦,有的。有很多人。朱蒂說。

Sure . come on , everyone . let ' s go talk to judy 當然可以大家都來吧,我們去跟朱蒂說兩句

Judy , may i have a word with you in my office 朱迪,你能到我辦公室嗎?我要和你談一談。

Judy garland , he recalls , was also fond of a tipple 據他回憶,茱蒂嘉蘭也很喜歡烈性酒。

- oh , there you are . - judy , judy , judy . how are you 哦,你也來了.朱蒂,朱蒂.你好嗎

Judy wilson is going to meet you on the set 朱蒂?威爾森會到現場來采訪你

Hey , congratulations ! you ' re a winner , judy 嘿,恭喜!你是獲勝者,朱迪!