
judoka n.(日本)柔術家,柔道家。


The greek judoka and european champion ilias iliadis , after a spectacular way through the last day of the event of the 81kg category , won the second gold medal for host country , greece 歐洲冠軍、希臘柔道運動員伊利阿斯?伊利亞迪斯一路過關斬將,在81公斤級比賽的最后一天,為東道主希臘贏取了第2枚金牌。

“ the blind judoka used some expert moves to wrestle the robber to the ground and pinned him down while he shouted for help , “ marburg police said in a statement 這名盲眼柔道家使出一些專家招式,把搶匪摔倒在地,讓他動彈不得,直喊救命,馬爾堡警方在聲明中說。

No female judoka of her bodyweight can rival her in terms of strength and skills 她這個體重級別的柔道運動員沒有哪一位可以在體力和技巧方面能與她相比。

All part - time students or black belt judoka can only participate in the open weight division 所有兼讀制及黑帶學生只可參加公開賽組別

Catch wrestlers have done it for decades , as have judoka 摔跤選手還有柔道家用這個動作用了幾十年了。