
judith n.朱迪絲〔女子名〕。


Theories of egoism and altruism ; status of a fetus ; problem of overpopulation ; judith thomson ; debate on local cases 利己主義與利他主義、胚胎的地位、人口過多的問題、湯遜、本地個案之研究。

The conjecture of judith hutter concerning the manner in which the indian girl had met her death , was accurate in the main 朱迪思?哈特想象中的那個印第安姑娘死去的情景,基本上是正確的。

Judith m . myerson shows why the xop package is more effective than xml parsers in processing web services Judith m . myerson將向您展示在處理web服務時, xop包比xml解析器更有效的原因。

Judith ' s wise and witty text captures the potential for a happy and stylish mix of children and home 朱迪思那機智詼諧的行文闡明了孩子與家庭是有可能快樂而又時尚地結合在一起的。

Party does have its detractors , most eloquent among them judith martin , who writes the miss manners syndicated column T確切地知道什么得到,和禮券是一個了不起的選擇。

“ why , judith , deerslayer isn ' t in the least comely , and is altogether unfit for one like you ! “你怎么啦,尤蒂絲?打鹿將長得一點也不漂亮,跟你完全不般配! ”

“ god bless you , dearest sister , for that brave and ready act , “ murmured judith “我最新愛的妹妹,上帝將為了你這種及時勇敢的行為保佑你, ”尤蒂絲輕輕地說。

“ besides what ? “ demanded judith , impatiently observing that the other hesitated to proceed “況且什么? ”尤蒂絲急切地追問道,她看見對方忽然停住不說了。

Use slas in a web services context - another series by judith myerson on service - level agreements Judith myerson所撰寫的關于服務級別協議的另一系列文章。

No . it wasn ' t . ( judith ) okay 不,不是-好

Female artist godreche , judith 女藝人茱迪芙高烈卓

Ms . judith chiu , e - marketing service manager , lam soon systems ltd 南順系統有限公司電子商貿市務及服務經理

Judith m . myerson is a systems architect and engineer Judith m . myerson是一名系統架構師和工程師。

Nie , she was as strong as a judith or a delilah 譯注或一個狄麗拉圣經中大力女子。譯注一樣。

Judith yes . thanks . nice meeting everybody 對,謝謝,很高興見到大家

Judith ) yes . thanks . nice meeting everybody 對,謝謝,很高興見到大家

Hurry thought more of the beauties of judith hutter 赫里念念不忘朱迪思?哈特的花容月貌。

( judith ) yes . thanks . nice meeting everybody 對,謝謝,很高興見到大家

From rebel to angel judith ' s growth and faulkner ' s south complex 論福克納創作的荒原情結