judicious adj.有見識的,明智的;合機宜的;審慎的。adv.-l...
adj. 有見識的,明智的;合機宜的;審慎的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “a judicious choice“ 中文翻譯: 挑選得法“daft - judicious“ 中文翻譯: 愚蠢的“judicious judgment“ 中文翻譯: 判斷合理“judicious mating“ 中文翻譯: 定向雜交“judicious mayor“ 中文翻譯: 賢明的市長“a judicious choice decision remark“ 中文翻譯: 明智的選擇“judicibus“ 中文翻譯: 茹迪西布斯“judiciary,notaryandpublicsecurity“ 中文翻譯: 公安“judiciary,notary and public security“ 中文翻譯: 公安; 司法“judiciously“ 中文翻譯: 明智的, 賢明的, 深思遠慮的; 明智地; 賢明地“judiciary staff union“ 中文翻譯: 司法機關工作人員工會“judicium“ 中文翻譯: 司法權, 管轄權, 法院“judiciary proceedings“ 中文翻譯: 審判程序
judith |
Digitai haiftoning refers to any algorithmic process which creates the iiiusion of continuous - tone images from the judicious arrangement of binary picture eiements . it is often called spatiai dithering 數字半色調處理是一種用經過精心計算排列的二進制圖形元素來表現一個連續色調圖像的算法處理過程,它也稱為空間抖動。 |
Therefore , early recognition and timely use of vasoconstrictors , together with judicious fluid replacement are important in the anesthetic management of patients with cervical spine injury undergoing surgery 因此,狀況提早認知、升壓劑適時使用,再加上輸液適量補充,在頸椎受傷的病人于術中麻醉的處理是非常重要的。 |
Production of clean gasoline with low olefin , sulfur and benzene contents and low vapor pressure , and ultra low sulfur diesel economically and competitively require judicious development and application of technologies 經濟有效的制造烯烴、硫磺、低苯含量和低蒸氣壓汽油和超低硫柴油需要審慎的開發和應用新技術。 |
On the previous day he had been told at the lodge that the rumour of the duel had reached the emperors ears , and that it would be more judicious for him to withdraw from petersburg 昨日在共濟會分會有人對他談到,國王獲悉有關決斗的事件,皮埃爾及時離開彼得堡,是更明智的。 |
With judicious use of all these techniques , you can enable your users to customize specific portions of a style sheet while still maintaining control over the rest 通過明智地使用所有這些技術,您可以使用戶能夠定制樣式表的特定部分,同時仍保持對其余部分的控制。 |
The other approach is for the investment managers to take judicious , tactical deviations from the benchmark allocation in order to beat the benchmark return 另一種情況是投資經理要作出判斷及定出策略,適當地偏離基準比重,以爭取超越基準回報的投資成績。 |
A more judicious approach would be to first do top - down , then goal - service modeling , and finally bottom - up legacy analysis of existing assets 一個比較明智的手段應該是首先按照自頂向下來做,接下來進行目標服務建模,最后是自底向上的現有資產的遺留分析。 |
According to records , it was here that the judicious mandarins held court as early as the 1900s to judge cases regarding land , property , marriage or crime 根據歷史記載,早于二十世紀,父母官已在該處審訊與土地、財產、婚姻及治安有關的個案。 |
Catherine , also , deemed it judicious to moderate her expressions of pleasure in receiving him ; and he gradually established his right to be expected 凱瑟琳也認為在接待他時把她高興的表情稍稍節制一下得當些,他漸漸地得到了他被接待的權利。 |
No , pa , i ' m no tattletale like suellen , ’ she assured him , standing off to view his rearranged attire with a judicious air “不,爸爸,我不像蘇倫那樣愛嚼舌頭” ,她讓他放下心來,站開一點,帶著有見識的神色端詳他重新整理過的服裝。 |
With a little judicious searching , amyris thinks it has come up with isoprenoids that have the right characteristics to substitute for petrol 阿米瑞斯公司認為,只要通過一番去偽存真,就會得到能夠取代汽油的類異戊二烯。 |
Evidence based medicine ( ebm ) is the application of the most conscientious , explicit and judicious medical knowledge in caring for patients 摘要實證醫學意指經理性判斷后使用醫學知識于照顧病人。 |
To my joy , he left us , after giving this judicious counsel , and hindley stretched himself on the hearthstone 他繪了這個得體的勸告之后,就離開我們,這使我很開心而辛德雷直挺挺地躺在爐邊。 |
The problem is that these can be taken to be a judicious mix of manipulated facts and gibberish 問題是這些報告和賬目很可能是用篡改過的事實和無實際意義的辭藻精心炮制的產物。 |
As far as i can see , it would be wiser and more judicious if you were to take to yourself the original at once “依我看來,立刻把畫中的本人要走,倒是更明智和更有識見的。 ” |
That i should like to have it is certain : whether it would be judicious or wise is another question “我是肯定要的,不過這樣做是不是審慎或明智,那就是另外一回事了。 ” |
The difference partly reflects the judicious use of gearing and the scrutiny of the public markets 不同之處在某方面反映出相互帶動的明智之舉以及對公共市場的詳細審查。 |
For on - road diesel , judicious selection of easy - to - treat feedstock is a potential strategy 生產低硫柴油時,選擇容易脫硫之進料是上策之一。 |
Oh , for some good spirit to suggest a judicious and satisfactory response 呵!但愿有一位善良的精靈能給我提示一個明智而滿意的答復! |