
judiciary adj.法院的,審判員的;司法的。 judiciary ...


Social control : a theoretical analysis of the basic relation between judiciary and society 關于司法與社會最一般關系的理論分析

Seminar on “ community prevention “ and “ judiciary intervention “ of domestic violence 社區預防及司法介入家庭暴力研討會

Judiciary act of 1789 1789年司法條例

Professional virtue and qualifications of judges as the basis for judiciary impartiality 司法公正根植于法官的職業道德素質

But two years later , finally , the judiciary has restored my wife ' s reputation 但是兩年之后,司法部門恢復我夫人的名譽。

The judiciary has itself recognized and articulated these concerns periodically 司法機關(本身)經常承認與表示這些關切。

An independent judiciary 獨立的司法機構

Section 4 : the judiciary 第四節:司法機關

Appraising of judiciary examination and reconstruction of selection of judge 我國法院招考制度評析與法官選任制度重建

But critics say he wants to curb the power of the judiciary 但批評人士指出,他是希望能以此抑制司法部門的權利。

The historical development of the constitution judiciary in russian federation 俄羅斯聯邦憲法司法制度的歷史發展

Powers and duties of the judiciary 司法機構的職權

On public credibility of the judiciary 論司法公信力

Judiciary , notary and public security 司法公證公安

Research on the judiciary test and the jurisprudence educaton 論司法考試對法學教育的影響及大學法學教育改革

What is the highest part of the judiciary branch of our government 問:我國政府司法部門的最高機構是什麼?

All state judiciaries are hierarchical , like the federal system 各州的司法機構都象聯邦體系一樣分等級的。

The true meaning of the modern law society is judiciary independence 現代法治社會的真諦是“司法獨立” 。

Has there been any interference in the independence of the judiciary 獨立的司法制度有沒有受到任何干預?