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judicial power 司法權。

judicial precedent

The author generalizes four doctrines , which respectively are the composition doctrine , the given disposition power doctrine , the quasi - judicial power doctrine and the non - governmental doctrine 筆者歸納出四種理論,即構成說、處分權授予說、準司法權說和民間性說。

Judicial power is the important compositional part of national power , which is the important tool of maintenance national and people ' s benefit and maintenance social normal order 司法權是國家權力的重要組成部分,是維護國家和人民利益,維護社會正常秩序的重要工具。

The courts continue to exercise independent judicial power and pronounce judgments for or against individuals , corporations or the government without fear or favour 法庭繼續行使獨立司法權,不論案件涉及個人、公司或政府,亦會不懼不偏,作出公正裁決。

Section 1 . the judicial power of the united states , shall be vested in one supreme court , and in such inferior courts as the congress may from time to time ordain and establish 第一款合眾國的司法權屬于一個最高法院以及由國會隨時下令設立的低級法院。

Meanwhile , judicial power makes up the deficiencies of legislative power by its judicial interpretation and practice and hence has an significant impact on the latter 同時司法權通過司法解釋、案件裁判來彌補立法之不足,從而對立法權也產生重要影響。

Every opinion about judicial power has involved the disposition and restriction of the powers and the guarantee and realization of the civil rights 圍繞司法權所展開的若干問題的討論,都涉及法治含義中權力的配置和制約,都關系權利的保障和實現。

The derivative suit can realizes the system value , the key is how to confirm the extent that the judicial power interferes the management of the corporation 合理確定派生訴訟可訴范圍是充分發揮派生訴訟的價值功能,有效遏制投機訴訟的重要手段。

The judicial power of the united states , shall be vested in one supreme court , and in such inferior courts as the congress may , from time to time , ordain and establish 第一款合眾國的司法權,屬于最高法院和國會不時規定和設立的下級法院。

The task of judicial process to stipulate judicial powers and lawsuit act of party , so the cases can be solved in a fair and just a1znphen 摘要司法程序的任務就是規制司法權以及當事人的訴訟行為,使案件能夠在會平、公正的氛圍中得以解決。

The courts of the hong kong special administrative region at all levels shall be the judiciary of the region , exercising the judicial power of the region 香港特別行政區各級法院是香港特別行政區的司法機關,行使香港特別行政區的審判權。

In the view of lenin ' s legal supervision , the procuratoriai powers can not be included in the administration power . is it a kind of judicial power 基于列寧的“法律監督”思想,檢察權的性質不能歸入行政權的范圍,它是否屬于司法權

So there are four independent kinds of powers , the legislation power , the administration power , the judicial power and the procuratoriai powers 在立法、行政、司法、檢察四權結構中,檢察權是一種獨立的權力,司法權是法院的審判權。

The hksar exercises a high degree of autonomy and enjoys executive , legislative and independent judicial power , including that of final adjudication 是。香港特別行政區實行高度自治,享有行政管理權、立法權、獨立的司法權和終審權。

From the aspect of power , administrative trial power is a kind of judicial power while administrative power is a kind of state one 行政審判權與行政權相互獨立,但密切關聯。行政審判權是一種司法權,而行政權則是一種國家權力。

The hksar has a high degree of autonomy and enjoys executive , legislative and independent judicial power , including that of final adjudication 香港特別行政區實行高度自治,享有行政管理權、立法權、獨立的司法權和終審權。

Part iv : in regard to tax judicial power , since lacking of research on that , this thesis mainly discusses chinese tax litigation system 關于稅收司法權,由于學界對此研究頗少,本文主要澎退了我國的稅收爭訟法律制度。

The hksar has a high degree of autonomy and enjoys executive , legislative and independent judicial power , including that of final adjudication 香港特別行政區實行高度自治,享有行政管理權立法權獨立的司法權和終審權。

Judicial law - making is an important part of juidical power , as well as a necessary method of using judicial power 司法造法(國外稱法官造法)是司法權的重要組成部分,是行使司法權不可或缺的手段。

Actually its location is judicial power and administrative right , is a judicial administrative right or a kind of edge power 究竟將其定位為司法權,行政權,還是司法行政權?還是一種邊緣性權力