
judicature n.1.司法。2.司法權。3.審判員的職權[職務、地位]...


On the boundary between judicature application of constitution and civil jurisdiction 論憲法的司法適用與民事審判權的界限

The construction of the standard relations between judicature and administration 構建依法治國條件下司法與行政的規范關系

This is unfavorable for the realization of the justice of criminal judicature 這對于刑事司法正義的實現是十分不利的。

On perfecting the system of probation in criminal law of china and judicature 完善我國緩刑制度的立法構想與司法對策

The relationship between administrative litigation and administrative judicature 論行政訴訟當事人處分權之法律保護

On the creativity of judicature 論司法的創造性

Jury system is one of the important methods of the people ' s judicature 陪審制度是公民參與司法的主要方式之一。

Probing into position in community in the system of juvenile criminal judicature 少年刑事司法體系中社區處遇探討

On the creativity of the judicature 論司法的創造性

Civil code and judicature justice 民法典與司法公正

A tentative discussion of quasi - judicature of the wto dispute settlement mechanism 爭端解決機制的準司法性質

Judicature prevention of duty crime 職務犯罪的司法預防

The balance and way of justice and efficiency in criminal judicature 論刑事司法中公正與效率之均衡及途徑

Providing good service for handling legal cases as a judicature accountant 淺談司法會計應如何為辦案服務

On the perfection of the link between tax law enforcement and tax judicature 論我國稅收執司法銜接的完善

On reticent right in criminal judicature 論刑事司法沉默權

A cultural perception of petition concerning judicature and its way out 涉法信訪的文化透視及出路探析

On just judicature and judicial ideas 論公正司法與司法觀念

Justice is the eternal symbol and fundamental value of judicature 公正是司法的永恒標志與基本價值。